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Chandralekha's POV:

Everything was going normal like everyday.

Getting up early in the morning to go for a jog and then getting ready to head to the office.

That's how most middle class people's lives are, aren't they?

Mine although was simply more than that later on, but for now I was just a normal girl from a normal house going to a job and living the normal life.

Too normal some might say. I'm 25 and believe it or not I haven't even dated once in my life. Ok. Properly not even once, all of the relationships I had were very casual.

Completely alone for my 25 years of existence. But some might say love isn't the most important thing in the world but for me who hasn't even been near the pool of true love it's something so much more.

I have always been in love with the idea of love. Pretty ironic. I know.

But I'm not regretting anything.

Besides I have too many things on my hand to even think about taking a responsibility like love.

So right now like every other day I was sitting in the office canteen with my two best friends who were completely absorbed in a mindless chatter.

"-but then who is the other guy that saves her in the end? "

"That's Kristoff. "

Yes, if you might have already noticed, these 25 year olds were discussing Frozen.

I don't know what goes on inside their heads but let me tell you this, if there is a hierarchy of the world's most chaotic crackhead energy, then these two would occupy the first two positions for sure.

But apart from jokes, my friends Soniya and Chhaya have been with me since we started college.

Fortunately these were the only two friends I had and they had stayed with me when we joined the job.

Although we were in different departments, we were still at the same company.

Everyone in our families called us the '3 idiots'.

The only description that I can give you about my friends that basically sums up their personalities is this

'If Soniya is the devil, then Chhaya is the angel and I'm the human between them.'

Anyways, after another tiring day I went back home and saw my parents sitting on the couch and right in front of my eyes were another older couple grinning from ear to ear.

Now let me tell you this, we're Indians and the one thing Indian parents want since their children are born is to marry them off.

It's basically their part time job aside from being parents. Especially if their child is reaching a particular age where they're considered to be of marriageable age. As soon as an Indian child touches the age of 23 or 24, it's not too surprising to see their parents beginning to toss and tumble around to find perfect matches for them.

So whenever I saw such a scene enfold in front of my eyes, which for the record is the 12th time, I get panicky.

Both my parents gave me the same fake smile and with a slight nod of my mom's head I understood that I had to meet the couple.

I went forward and gave a small 'Namaste' and smiled.

They complimented me here and there while I was standing there impatiently tapping my foot because my heels were killing me.

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