Ch10: He's a freaking king!

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"Yes. He was crowned king when he was 18."

What in the actual frick frack?

I'm 100% sure my ears have started malfunctioning before time.

He's a king!?!

A real life breathing King.

I swear I never expected this.

When he said he was close to the king's family, I though he might be a distant relative or something. But goddamn. He's the freaking king.

Now I wanna stab myself for the way I talked to him.

I was really rude.

But what I don't understand is why didn't he tell me who he was when I insulted him during the coffee incident.

Was he trying to play with me?

My heart burned with a different kind of rage. Even my own conscience laughed at me. That's why my mom said that I need to control what I speak.

Or I'll be in trouble someday.

Well guess what Ma, the trouble has arrived in the shape of a 6 foot tall giant with big ass muscles who can literally pick me up and crush me with them.

I'm f*cked.

What's more scary is the fact that I'll have to be tied to this guy through marriage.

If he's the king, does that make me a Queen after marriage?

NO. Of, course yes. Yes it does, you idiot.

My own conscience degrading me. Unbelievable.

I literally giggled at the thought and just so you know, I was crying a moment ago. Aunty must be thinking I'm a psychopath.

She simply smiled at me cheerfully and said

"It seems you're in a better mood now. Don't worry bacha. You've enough time on your hands but..."

I kept my silence waiting for her to continue.

"Won't you at least consider our proposal?"

Her eyes we're pleading. As much as I had despised her son since the day I met him, I hated to see Aunty pleading in such a manner.

Before I could say anything, she continued as if reading my mind about her son.

"He's not as bad as he might seem. He's very sweet and caring towards the people he loves. He's been through a traumatic past and that's why he might come off as rude when you first meet him but except that he's very sincere towards people he genuinely cares about."

I wanted to tell her that this guy wasn't cold to me at all. In fact, he was the one always giving me a smile even when I was rude to him.

I gave her a genuine smile.

I don't know him but I can try. I mean there's been so many rejections and proposals, what difference does one more make?

Maybe this lasts forever.

"Should we consider this a yes to the proposal?"

Is it a yes? There's no going back from here. You know you can't say no after this.

Is it a yes?

My conscience double checked with me. I know its weird but I really think everyone's conscience speaks out once in a while. Mine is a bit too... clingy?

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