Ch50: Welcome to the Royal Family

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I've had the most exhausting week anyone possibly could. But that's not the pretext with which I'd like to begin. 

The week was exhausting, yes, but the love I've received in these 7 days is undeniable. I could've never believed how sweet Vikram is when I had first met him. Each day, he would do one thing or the other and make me fall in love with him all over again. 

I don't think I have been this happy, ever, in my entire life.

We've been on so many dates, I've lost count. He's brought me gifts and we've gone for long drives. If we were both free someday, we'd sit together in one room, just quietly talking and yes, there were other moments too. The spicy ones. Obviously there had to be, because we couldn't keep our hands off each other.

It was so obvious that we were in love. 

A random stranger could pass by us and not miss the looks we gave each other. Since the proposal, I've been on cloud nine and Vikram has just been excelling at everything. I often find myself giggling just at the thought of him, exactly like right now.

I know, I'm behaving like a love struck puppy but hey, if you could see Vikram in real life, you'd know that it's hard not to fall for a man like this. 

I mean, he is as perfect as anyone could be. His family is amazing, his background is amazing, he earns well and the biggest thing, he's a freaking king.

I always thought that this king thing was never that serious for him because I've always seen him stressed and contemplating over his business, never what went on in the palace.

Partially because Aunty is here to take care of everything but I think he does care a lot about himself being a 'King'.

When we went back to the palace, a meeting was organized with the Royal Family's consultants, to meet me, The Future Queen of Udaigarh. 

For the longest time, I had been thinking that I won't have to be like a real 'Queen'. Obviously, there would be some responsibilities that Aunty would pass down to me, hoping I won't completely screw them up, but I didn't expect myself to be a real 'Queen'.

The topic came up when Vikram came to my room the next day after we had returned to Udaigarh. 

He was back on his busy schedule but still managed to sneak in my room, every now and then. He brought up the topic about the meeting.

I knew about 'The Royal Protocol' and what was expected of me as the King's fiancee but Vikram still wanted to give me a heads up.

I was given a 10 page list, with tiny fonts, of all the guests that I would be meeting. With faces, I was told to memorize each one of them.

"You can't possibly be serious! How do I remember the faces of the people I've never met?"

I exclaimed, looking up at a completely calm looking Vikram who hadn't flinched even once. Instead, he smiled and said

"Welcome to the Royal Family."

I scoffed. Obviously, they would have some sort of prompts. 

How are they even remembering who's who, especially when Vikram insists on changing the younger advisors every few months? 

How was I supposed to remember the people, by faces, when I've never met them in my whole life? 

For God's sake, I have even forgotten the names of my office colleagues at one point, and they were the people I've been working with, day and night. So you can very well imagine the level of my rustic memory.

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