Ch46: Proposal Shenanigans

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A/N: I don't have a particular song choice for this chapter but the one below goes kinda well with it. Upto you if you wanna listen to it along with reading the chapter.

🎶My Dil Goes Mmmm - Vishal-Shekhar, Shaan🎶

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Chandralekha had settled into the family like never before. 

It was as if Vikram and Chandralekha had already gotten married.

However, Vikram had finalised his plan of proposing to Chandralekha. Everything was done. The ring size had been taken, the venue had been decided, the 'Congratulations' screams were finalized.

And in the middle of all this, Chandralekha did have an inkling of what was happening.

Vikram was spending very little time with her, but with all due reasons available. He had to prepare for something so big. He wanted to make each second of it beautiful for Chandralekha.

Chandralekha sat on her bed, scrolling through her phone, passing her time.

A few days ago, she had very sadly resigned from her job. 

Realizing that there was no need for her to continue her job, now that her mother was earning through her job, she had asked her boss to finalize her resignation.

A part of her just wanted to run away from it all. Maybe it was the anxiety of the fact that she was going to get married very soon.

So now she had all the time in the world for herself. 

But there was nothing she could do. She knew Vikram and Vanshika were upto something because they were never willing to sit down and talk to her. The greater part of her disappointment was because of Vikram.

Since the time she had arrived back in Udaigarh, there was not a single time where she felt like he wanted to be around her.

He was always running around while she was sitting all day long, fantasizing how it would feel to talk to him freely once again.

I miss you Vikram!

Sitting on the bed, scrolling through multiple reels at a time, now finally she felt bored as hell. 

With every second her mind diverted back to Vikram.

They were in the same house, yet so far away.


Chandralekha got up from the bed, wearing her slippers as she ran out of the door. She was determined to see Vikram, even if he was busy. 

An urge developed inside her as she ran through the corridor towards Vikram's room.

When she finally reached Vikram's room, she breathed out a sigh having completed a whole adventure trying to get there.

She stood in front of his door, wanting to knock on it but for some reason her hand wasn't willing to budge.

You know you have to move your hand to knock.

Her consciousness spoke as if it was a whole different person. Chandralekha nodded and finally gave in to knock.

And then her hand met the door.

One knock. And she waited. She waited and waited and waited but the door never opened. So she decided to try again.

Two knocks. And she waited again and again but the door remained closed.

Three knocks.

Four knocks.

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