Ch4: Its not a mistake

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Its been 3 days since I have been back from Udaigarh.

The thought of that weird man doesn't seem to leave my mind. I don't know why but his smiling face keeps popping up in my head.

My thoughts were broken by a loud thump on my desk.

I looked up to see Soniya smirking at me.

"Sup bitch?"

I shook my head at her while she sat down and touched my forehead with her hand.

"You're burning up. Uff. How many times have I told you to not work so much? Pagal aurat!(Mad woman)."

She clasped my laptop shut as she pressed a hand on my forehead again.

"You know, you really should take a break. You've not taken a break since you started working."

"But I have things to do-"

She cut me off by holding her hand up.

"No buts! I know you have a lot of things to take care off. Don't worry. Chhaya and I'll manage aunty and uncle's finances for few days."

I sighed loudly. I know they can handle it but that's not what I'm worried about.

Also where do I even go for a vacation and whom do I go with?

Then I remembered the letter.

But Udaigarh is a bad idea, especially after what has been happening with me every time I go there.

That man!

Yeah, I'm definitely not going there!

When I came back home, my mom had the weirdest smile plastered over her face.

I kept my bag on the bed and took off my heels when my mom came in.

She handed me a glass of water which I hesitantly took after the creepy smile that was still stuck on her face.

"Ma you're giving me the creeps. Stop smiling like that."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I always smile like this."

And then she sat down and cleared her throat. For one brief second, JUST ONE! she actually stopped smiling.

And you guessed it right, she started again.

"Chanda... Regarding that letter..."

I just hummed in response.

"I talked to Soniya. She said you wanted to take a break. So..."

Uh-Oh. I really don't like where this is going.

"What did you do Ma!!?"

I jumped to my feet when I realized what she might be up to.

"I told them you were coming!"

I ran a hand through my hair.

How does every person in my life decide something for me without even asking me?

First, Soniya and now Ma.

Does nobody think I can control my own life?

"Ma, I'm really sorry for my language, but have you lost it?"

She got up too and was about to walk out when I stopped her

"You can't run away from this conversation. You're going to have to face it someday or the other, so it's better if you just sit down and explain."

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