Ch55: Atharv

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Vikram burst through the hospital room door, startling an eating Chandralekha.

"Vikram! You scared me."

Vikram panted a little as he moved forward hugging her and placing a light kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry, Jaan. I missed you and Ma wouldn't let me leave without eating."

Chandralekha chuckled at this and with her finger asked him to come closer.

When he went forward, she pecked his lips softly and continued eating afterwards leaving a blushing Vikram standing there.

"I love you."

She muttered out still staring at him as he sat down on the chair next to her finally gaining his senses back.

"I love you more."

He chuckled, biting his lip when he saw how Chandralekha devoured her food.

"I see someone's appetite has returned. I'm happy."

He pulled Chandralekha's cheeks softly and chuckled again.

Chandralekha had woken up the next day itself.

Although she was tired out of her wits and she still couldn't make out much of what was around her, she was thankful Vikram was around.

The first moment she opened her eyes, she and Vikram fell into a series of cries and kisses.

Vikram thanked whatever God he prayed to for waking up his love as he had caressed her the entire hour after she fell asleep again.

After she had woken up he had apologized a million times to which Chandralekha had responded with her own for not being careful enough.

Before the family came, the only thing on Chandralekha's mind was her dead brother, Atharv and his memories. Maitri's words rang in her mind as she remembered how all the while she was being beaten up, she could only think of one thing.

Was she really that big of a misfit? A bad luck?

She shook all the thoughts away and the only concern remained whether Vikram too thought the same thing after seeing the picture.

The picture was hidden away by the police officials.

Chandralekha's entire case had been buried long ago because Chandralekha's mother Asmita Singh wanted nobody to know what had happened to her children.

Chandralekha knew she had to tell Vikram everything that was pending on her part.

So she didn't want any more time and went straight to the topic.


She said softly.

"I want to tell you something."

Vikram held her hand pushing the strands of her hair behind her ear as he nodded and waited for her to begin.

"Maitri told me you had seen a picture...of me and my brother, Atharv."

Vikram nodded again and said.

"She spat utter nonsense. I didn't believe her and I still don't. You should tell me what happened instead, only if you're comfortable with sharing it."

Chandralekha nodded and with a sigh, began the story.

"After the day I was raped, Atharv bhaiya went to speak to Akshat."

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