Ch13: What just happened!?

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"Uh... Vikram?"

He heard Aditya's voice and they both immediately pulled apart.

She was still a bit shaken up by his aura and what he had just said.

Well then I think we'll have to make you fall for me in these upcoming 6 months.

She wanted to pull her hair because of the things this guy was making her feel.

The closeness, his voice, his gaze and the true meaning behind the words he had uttered were intoxicating her.

She felt bile rising in her mouth as she quickly swallowed without hesitation.

"I'm here Aditya."

"Oh Vikram, I have found the phone number of the head of the managing department. You can call him-"

"One second Aditya."

He turned towards Chandralekha who was busy humming a tune.

"You can go to the dining room. I'll join you in a few minutes."

She nodded almost relieved to get away from the awkward situation and walked ahead.

He soon joined her and was about to sit beside his sister just like the usual but his mother gestured him to sit next to Chandralekha.

They both became awkward as the mother smiled at them.

The dinner went peacefully until Vikrant said

"So bhabhi sa..."

He trailed off and Chandralekha and Vikram both choked on their food.

"Have some water both of you."

The queen mother was quick to pass them the jug.

Vikram being the gentleman he was, passed the jug to Chandralekha first as a helper served her water and she gulped it almost immediately. Vikram did the same and sighed softly.

The simple word 'Bhabhisa' was like standing inside a Hogwarts common room and saying 'Voldemort'.

Everyone became quiet and there was an ear deafening silence.

Vikrant coughed lightly and spoke

"Yes so I was saying Bhabhisa do you plan to stay here to go back to Delhi?"

"Umm... I haven't decided yet... But since I'm staying here right now I'll be here for a month and then probably go to Delhi after that."

Everyone nodded softly while Vikram straightened his back.

"So bhaisa will you escort Bhabhisa then?"

Vanshika asked this time.

Chandralekha choked again and Vikram asked her to take a sip from the glass of water placed in front of her plate.

"Can you both stop already? Can't you see she's uncomfortable?"

"Oh ho! Already defending her. How romantic! Abhi toh shaadi bhi nahi hui bhaisa aur aap toh abhi se joru ke ghulam ban gaye hai. (You aren't even married yet and you've already become your wife's slave bhaisa)"

Vanshika said teasingly as Vikram gave her a hard stare which made her gulp and shut up.

Soon the dinner drama ended as everyone quickly gulped their food after getting scolded by the elders for their manners. As they got out, Vikram patted Chandralekha's shoulder lightly signalling her to come along with him.

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