Ch51: The Gala

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If I was shaking yesterday because of the meeting, I was trembling because of the gala today.

As soon as I had woken up in the morning, I was met by a pair of beautiful brown eyes and a handsome face. Before you start questioning my integrity, of course it was Vikram, who had happened to fall asleep in my room last night.

Get your mind out of the gutter if you are thinking otherwise.

He was tired and his eyes closed when I playfully rubbed his hair.

I realized he was tired so I massaged his head and before I knew it, he fell asleep in my lap, like a little baby. Obviously I had to wake him up but he refused to leave and instead took off his shoes and coat and snuggled under the sheets, motioning with his hand to join him.

I took a while to change and by the time I came back to the bed, he was fast asleep.

As I had expected although, he was a light sleeper. Even though I tiptoed inside, he still woke up and stared at me half dozed.

When I had joined him inside the blanket, he closed his eyes, his hands automatically pulling me close by my waist as I placed my hands around his waist and snuggled in.

We weren't awkward to say the least despite it was our first time 'sleeping' together.

So, coming back to morning, I was greeted by a pair of mesmerizing brown eyes who were staring at me.

"Good Morning."

He had grumbled in a croaked voice as I smiled and hugged him tighter.

Despite our desire to stay in bed together and get some more sleep, we had to get up and eventually get to our respective tasks.

He had meetings lined up and I was troubled with the task of finding out an outfit for the gala tonight.

But the bigger task at hand was how to sneak him out of my room, without being noticed.

He wore his shoes, leaving his coat stranded on his arm not making the effort to wear it because it was in any case going to be discarded after this.

We both walked to the door, but I was pulled back by two strong arms and was smooched the hell out of.

I melted in his arms all over again as he gave me the most toe-curling kiss ever.

This man must be a saint because his control was stronger than mine. This time, when he tried to break the kiss I had him pulled back towards me, murmuring at the same time that I wasn't done yet.

Well, moving on, when we were finally done with our morning make out session, I looked out the door to see if anyone was there in the corridor but saw no one.

I whispered to Vikram that he could leave as he placed a generously long kiss on my forehead and before I could notice, he was out, running through the corridor like James Bond.

It was hilarious to say the least. Seeing him in athletic mode just to escape from my room.

When he reached the end of the corridor, he twisted the doorknob but before entering, passed me a dashing smile and a flying kiss which I responded with my own.

Chuckling, I entered my room and the emptiness left me sighing.

Sometimes even I wish we'd be married by now.

Nevertheless, it will happen one day and till then, I'm going to be officially engaged to the love of my life.

I got ready, knowing Vanshika would be knocking on my door any minute now, ready to take me with her and Aradhna aunty to go shopping. Since Vanshika was doing my makeup, she is supposed to tell me what I should wear which is why we were already sitting in the living room, with a large cloth hanger.

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