Ch32: The knocks

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"Who said there will be no affection or love from my side? "

Chandralekha's eyes widened as she stared at him and saw him leaning in.

Her eyes had shut by themselves and she expected an impact on her lips but there was a loud horn beeping behind and both separated quickly.

Vikram opened his eyes and stared at her but suddenly turned to the other side as he left her cheek simultaneously.

Chandralekha too immediately opened her eyes and realization hit her as she started the ignition of the car.

Vikram suddenly spoke out of the blue.

"If this isn't more than friendship, then I don't know what is. "

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Chandralekha gulped evidently and started the car after she had gained her senses back.

The car ride back home was again quiet as none of them were able t recover from what they had almost done. Vikram was not able to understand what led him to say it but he didn't regret it.

Not one bit.

The most surprising part of it was that throughout this entire moment, not once had he thought about Maithili. It was as if his memory of her had vanished and all he could see was Chandralekha's face.

He went numb to any other feeling and all that remained was her.

What is this feeling?

He didn't realize at that time that he was already deeply in love and that after a while, he wouldn't even remember who his actual love was.

Was it Chandralekha or Maithili?


As soon as they both had reached home, Chandralekha got out of the car and locked it while Vikram jogged and opened the gate of the house.

He motioned with his hand for her to enter first and Chandralekha swiftly went inside without any other word.

They both climbed the stairs quietly as the rest of the house was already silent because everyone was probably asleep by then. When they reached the top of the staircase, they both went into opposite directions towards their own rooms. 

However, Vikram stopped right before the door and looked towards his left to see Chandralekha too looking at him. She freaked out as soon as she saw him looking towards her and clumsily opened her door and shut it with a bang.

Meanwhile, Vikram chuckled softly and quietly entered the room as he laid down on the bed thinking about the moment they had just witnessed.

Her lips were only an inch away from me.

Meanwhile, in Chandralekha's room, she changed her dress into her night suit and sat on the bed with a huff. And then butterflies erupted in her stomach.

Her face became heated when she recalled what had taken place with her minutes ago. 

They had been close together before but not in such a way where every word of what Vikram said felt real.

Even the moment was not too long but long enough for both of them to wonder about their feelings for each other.

Chandralekha's thoughts were clear and she didn't want to deny anymore but what name should this feeling be given? Was it attraction, affection, platonic love or actual love love.

All she knew was they weren't friends. 

They were way more than just friends and he had just accepted it at the same time she did.

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