Ch3: If only...

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I was working on the mail when I heard a familiar seeming voice.

"We meet again."

Surely it was familiar cause it belonged to the same person who spilled coffee on me yesterday and didn't even apologize.

He stood there surrounded by 3 men who looked like they were his bodyguards.

I simply ignored him because I had work to do and he seemed like someone who was clearly having fun yesterday seeing me all shaken up. I obviously didn't want to give him more fodder to feed on.

Also he didn't bother to apologize yesterday.

Men like him are what I hate the most. I know his type. The rich bratty kind who think money is at the top.

I despise such people, even though most rich people are exactly like him.

"I think I've made my presence aware to you."

At this point, allow me to tell you all something, I hate it when people test my patience.

He cleared his throat and started again.

"Do you not see me?"

I wanted to punch him but the sadist inside me didn't want him to have an easy punishment. So cold attitude it is.

You know how at time you wish to just disappear from a place without saying a single word. Yeah, that was my condition currently.

I wished either he would leave or I would have to.

He then started laughing out of nowhere and the crowds of people gave me all sorts of weird expressions.

I wanted to tell this guy to stop before people start thinking that he's a maniac, but I kept on ignoring him hoping he'd stop himself.

And he did, but not before starting to talk again.

God! Someone needs to put a tape on his face and tie him to a bed so he can't move.

"I never thought you were into such kinky stuff."

"What do you mean?"

"Put a tape on my mouth and tie me to a bed so that I can't move?"

Oh no.

"Oh yes."

Don't tell me I said that aloud.

"You did. And I understood what you meant."

He said and another amused smile made it's way back to his face. Another snicker, another smirk.

If only I could collide my hand with his face.

But obviously I couldn't. His bodyguards would crush me before I could say 'f*ck'.

"Do you hate me that much? I really like you though."

I choked on my spit. He tried to help me but I moved back still coughing and widened my eyes at what he had just uttered.

The audacity of this guy!

"Are you alright?"

He's f*cking ridiculous.

"Well I guess girls nowadays don't even say a simple hi?"

"You speak like you're from the 1800s. 'Girls nowadays'."

I imitated his husky voice and then scoffed while he sat next to me.

I instantly got up, wiped the back of my jeans and started walking towards the exit of the palace.

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