Ch15: Nazren Milana

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Shoulders sulking as Chandralekha fell to the floor, gasping for air.

A tear fell from her eyes, then another, then anther and it went on and on and soon enough she was a crying mess. An utter mess. 

She looked towards her left and her eyes fell on a mirror kept nearby.

She looked at her reflection, tears flowing and her consciousness only screamed one thing in her head.


She wiped her tears and got up, almost losing her balance and limped towards her bed and threw herself on it because of being fatigued. She didn't know when sleep engulfed her.

All the while, even in her sleep, tears flowed from her eyes.

His voice softly saying and confessing his love for a name she didn't even know.

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I woke up with a massive headache and swollen eyes.

I felt emotionally drained but then I felt disgusted about myself. How could have I even thought that someone could fall in love with me, let alone a king? And how did I believe that someone could have fallen in love with someone like me in a matter of days?

For the love of god woman, why would you cry over a man that wasn't yours in the first place.

First, he ignored me for 3 days making me go through an emotional rollercoaster, then he suddenly popped out of nowhere, tried to confessing his love for another woman on my face.

What was I supposed to do in such a situation? I.. was distracted.

Yes yes you were... distracted.


His voice echoed in my mind. I can't forgive him anymore.

What is there to forgive? Did he belong to you, because you're behaving as if he cheated on you.

I didn't know what to think anymore. I have no strength left. I laid down on my bed, not wanting to go anywhere but I had to since I was going to be a 'potential queen'.

I had to go down for breakfast at 9 in the morning and I had already woken up at 8:30.

Although I hated having to get ready especially in the mornings but I guess I'm stuck in a vicious cycle now.

My soon-to-be-mother-in-law was even telling me that I had to take certain lessons for proper etiquettes. I mean I've never needed etiquette lessons in my whole life.

I'm not even loud, I follow proper rules and am patient as hell.

What do I need lessons for? Nevermind.

I clearly remember what happened yesterday, although I can't say exactly why I bawled my eyes out because of his love confession for another woman. 

I had other things on my mind and even though because of yesterday's event my heart had nearly stopped I got up from my bed and opened my suitcase and found a light pink saree that looked perfect for a brunch and so, I decided to wear it.

I looked at the blouse and thankfully it covered everything, yet I felt that it was looking bad.

However, I ended up wearing the saree after I called Soniya and got a 1 hour lecture from her about feeling confident in wearing whatever I wanted.

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