Ch56: The Wedding

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It's happening!

I'm finally getting married. Never in a million years did I imagine this day to arrive but now that it is, I'm just so scared.

I don't know why.

I love Vikram. Everything is perfect. There are no more problems. And yet my heart is not at peace.

I woke up in the morning with loud knocks on my door and loud screams afterwards. From the pitch of my four bridesmaids, they seemed more excited than me.

When I got up hurriedly, I didn't even bother looking at my appearance and went to open the door straightaway.

I could hear their chitter chatter from outside.

When I swung open the door, gasps erupted from everyone.

"Oh my god.."

Soniya squeaked out and everyone else gaped at me.


I asked, not sure at what was so surprising.

"Chanda! How did you sleep last night? Your face looks so bloated."

Chhaya examined my face softly and touched my cheeks, turning my face from left to right.

What a great way to start the day!

I looked horrible.

On the day I was supposed to look my best.

As if this wasn't already enough, I had a big red patch on my left cheek which I blamed on the way I slept last night.

My bridesmaids 'tch-tched' as they all examined my face at once and Vanshika spoke suddenly.

"Bhabhisa, you need a face mask immediately. I'll go get it."

With that, she scurried away to her room probably and then Anushka said.

"You need an eye mask too. And a cold face dunk. I'll arrange that."

She went towards the bathroom while my two friends continued to stare at my face.

Soniya had her eyebrows furrowed as she bit the insides of her cheeks thoughtfully.

"I'll go and get your lehenga ready. Don't go anywhere. Your make up artist is also on her way. Go and take a bath before she comes and do all the necessary things."

She ordered as she too made it out the door and I stared at Chhaya who had her usual calm face back on and she too stared at me.

"You've got nothing to do?"

I asked her and she chuckled softly.

"Everyone else is already running to do everything. There's nothing I can help with. Although..."

She stood up and walked behind my chair, and two seconds later I felt her hands on my forehead.

"I can do this.."

I closed my eyes, feeling the drowsiness coming back to me as I said.

"Just what I needed."

She then moved to my shoulders, massaging and rubbing in circular motions.



I didn't know what to call this feeling. I was excited but nauseous.

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