Ch52: An unexpected appearance

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Mornings in Udaigarh were the most beautiful ever.

Especially when you are in a palace with gardens and birds chirping all around. From the time I had started living with the Royal Family, I had caught onto a few things which were usual.

Like when the weather was nice and pleasant, Aradhna Aunty would get the breakfast table set outside in the open.

Just like this very morning.

I had woken up at a normal time and took a bath, got dressed.

I felt like surprising Vikram today and although he picked me up every morning to go to breakfast together, this morning I wanted to pick him up.

So I put my phone on charging as I checked myself in the mirror one last time and ran out of the door, towards Vikram's room. The room being on the other end of the corridor, it was right beside a small window which overlooked the scenery outside.

I stopped near his door and tried to listen if I could hear anything from inside but when I heard nothing, I knocked on the door.

I knocked once and then waited.

I waited for approximately 30-40 seconds I think, but being an impatient person, it was impossible to wait any longer and so I knocked again.

And again.
And again.
And again.

But the door never opened.

Defeated, I thought of walking back to my room but just before I could go, I heard the lock of the door twist open and with one swish I saw Vikram on the opposite side.

Drenched with water, his hair still dripping some of it.

The moment my eyes travelled further down, I knew I had made the stupid mistake of coming here.

Because there was no way I could get myself to look away.

As you might have guessed long back, he had been quite the eye candy. His biceps were bigger than what I could've ever imagined and do not even get me started on the abs. I cannot.

Just know that when I laid eyes on them, I was so goddamn thirsty suddenly that I gulped the biggest gulp in the history of gulps.

Meanwhile, all of this was happening, Vikram had realized I was checking him out.

This boosted his ego as he realized where my eyes were at.

"My eyes are up here."

He pointed a finger towards his eyes and smiled.

His cute little dimples peeked out and I couldn't help but smile myself. You cannot blame me, I was turning red from the blushes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were taking a bath. I'll come back later.."

Before I could move away, you might have guessed, he pulled me back and rather than letting me stay put there, pulled me inside with him.



He inched closer to me, trapping me between his arms and the door, his eyes on my lips.

"We'll be late for breakfast."

The more he moved closer, the more my eyes closed by themselves, to the point that they were completely shut waiting for impact.

That was until, a whisper near my ear raised goosebumps all over my skin.

"Who cares even if we are?"

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