Ch29: You ruined me!

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"Show him his room. He would've been tired from the journey."

"Thank you Sir. Good night."

Ashok nodded and Chandralekha walked ahead with Vikram following her closely. They both climbed the stairs and reached the first floor.

Chandralekha walked till the end of the corridor and stopped in front of the last room.

She twisted the doorknob and the door opened revealing a cozy and medium sized room. She moved inside as Vikram followed.

As soon as he entered, she closed the door behind him and locked it. She turned around swiftly and saw him comfortably sitting on the bed.

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"What did Papa say to you?"

Vikram removed his shoes and socks and looked at her surprised.

"Nothing much."

"Did he ask about your work?"

"Yeah. He did."

"And what else?"

"Nothing else."

"You're hiding something from me."

She folded her arms and he got up from the bed and walked towards her.

He held her shoulders and said

"Relax. Okay? He's your father. He said nothing more than a father should. He asked me to act responsibly towards you. That's all."


She turned around and opened the lock and twisted the doorknob when Vikram put a hand on it and slammed it shut.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"No. I came here without my phone or my wallet or my laptop. I'm not forgetting anything."

She said without turning out and tried to open the door again but Vikram held it in place, not giving her any chance to even pull it slightly.

"I guess it was just me that was missing you? You seem to be quite happy without me."

He whispered close to her ear making her shiver a little because of the warm sensation surrounding her ear.

"You m-missed me?"

"Mmhm. A lot."

He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck and placed his hands on her waist inhaling in her scent.

He loved how she always smelled like lavender, maybe it was an oil or a perfume. 

God only knows what it is but I love it.



"Someone's going to see us like this."

"Can't you be with me for five minutes and not be bothered by who will catch us?"

He lifted his face and turned her around softly.

"I missed you. A lot. Even if it was only for a few hours."

Chandralekha looked down because of a certain phenomenon called being 'shy' that usually happens to people when they're liking something but are also anxious about it.

But she gained a little courage and said

"Me too."

Vikram frowned a little.

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