Ch8: YOU!?!?!

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The next morning I got ready even though I practically had nothing to do the whole day.

I went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone greeted me and I politely said good morning and sat down beside Vanshika. They were acting so normal as if I was always a part of this table.

Like totally normal. I decided that even I will act like this is normal for me.

Vanshika told me about the college she attends. I really wanted to see it.

She was studying fashion and that too at a top institute.

Vikrant seemed to be missing from the table and figured that he might have gone somewhere for some work.

Before I left the dining room, Aunty stopped me as she held my hand.

I immediately stopped. She smiled at me and said

"Since you're our guest and staying in the private section, you can visit few of the historical rooms here."

I widened my eyes as I understood that she was giving me a sort of privilege.

"No no Rani sa. How can I do something like that? You're already letting me stay here and making me even have meals with all of you. This is a lot."

I understand all of them being nice to me since I'm staying here but this was a lot!

Even though these people are extremely hospitable, they are treating me like family. It feels weird.

I have mixed feelings about staying here for a month. Like do I act suspicious or just enjoy whatever is thrown my way? How about we just let things go the way its destined to go?

I broke out of my trance when Rani sa spoke

"Oh don't be absurd Chandralekha. I told you we're like your family and you should call me Aunty. You don't have to be so formal with us."

She smiled at me.

This lady must have been extremely pretty when young. Although she would still make girls jealous with her current looks. Vanshika seems to have gotten her beauty from her mother.

"I will send Aditya to show you the way to the chambers."

With that she left me there.

Since I had nothing to do, I just went back to my room while Vanshika excused herself to go to college.

About an hour later the doorbell of the suite rang and I went out to check and saw Aditya standing there nervously holding a file.

He adjusted his glasses when he saw me and gave me a small smile.

"Are you ready Chandralekha?"

I nodded and closed my door behind me with one hand and he started walking in front of me.

We reached a small corridor and a beautiful door which was locked.

He took out a keychain from his pocket and opened the door. He asked me to enter first.

"This is the private wing Chandralekha. Don't worry, there are a few guards inside for safety."

We walked a few steps forward inside the room before he turned to me again.

"The Queen Mother has asked you to freely roam the place without any hesitation. She also told me to inform you that the royal family's suites are also on this floor so if you have any doubt or want to visit any of the members you can ask a guard to guide you there. But this door will remain locked. There are other doors from where you can find your suite again."

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