Ch28: Should I?

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At night, Chandrashekhar requested for some ice cream and Chandralekha muttered a small 'such a baby'.

Soon enough, she was walking towards the market and buying 5 ice creams along with her, one for each of them and was on her way back. The polythene bag in her hand swinging in her hands as she walked humming a slow tune.

As she turned a corner and entered the garden to cross and reach home, she heard some ruffling behind her and she stopped suddenly.

Her eyes widened as fear started building up inside her.

Is it an animal? Or a thief? Or a goon? Or someone I shouted at and is back for revenge? Or someone that has an obsessive crush over me?

She slowly started walking again and was almost home now. She could see the garden's exit and almost wanted to run seeing it.

She now heard footsteps behind her.

Oh I'm so screwed!

She walked faster and faster as she approached the exit gate.

She could still hear the footsteps behind her but she didn't dare look back. Her goal was the gate. She was secure after the exit. She was only a few meters away from the gate when a hand grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

A hand on her mouth clasped hut so that she wouldn't scream. Her widened eyes met the stalker's amused ones.

In the dim light coming from the streetlight, she let out a muffled scream.


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"Shh. I'm not gonna hurt you if you stay quiet. But can I just say how amazing you look even in your night suit. I mean god really took his time creating you, huh?"

He whispered slowly and his hand immediately left her lips as his loud chuckle echoed through the park. Chandralekha opened her mouth to scream or at least say something but no words came out.

This was until his full face came into light and she saw a face that, if it did belong to a stalker's she would happily go along with him-

Seeing the familiar face, her heart calmed down and she shouted


Laughs and more laughs echoed from his side.


"Shh. People might hear us."

She put a hand on his mouth to stop him from laughing like a demon and scaring little kids of the neighborhood when they're just about to sleep.

"What are you even doing here?"

She whispered.

"I cAmE FoR yOu mmff."

Chandralekha could hardly make out what he was trying to say but she understood a little.

"For me?"

She raised one of her eyebrows and removed her hand from his mouth.

"Yes. I missed you."

He said as he pinched her cheeks and she let out a yelp as she held her red cheeks that were paining and Vikram grinned wide.

"Seriously though, what are YOU doing here?"

"I already told you. I missed you."

"That's your answer?"

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