Ch49: The Cameo

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Chandralekha woke up from her slumber with a big yawn. As soon as she had opened her eyes, her mind clouded with images of a smiling Vikram and that was all it took for her to smile like an idiot while staring at the ceiling.

He loves me!

It took a good time for her to realize the fact, the smile never leaving her face whilst her eyes sparkled at the thought.


A gasp left her as her hand reached her lips, shutting them close while she still thought about yesterday's moments.


Her gasp turned into full blown squeals as she hid under her blanket and rolled around in bed, wrapping herself up like a Sushi roll.


And the squeals lasted for a good 5 minutes before she jerked up, realizing that she was probably late for breakfast. Shoving her phone towards her, she stared at the clock on her lock screen, which was supposedly showing the horror she was afraid of.


She stared at the phone, realizing that she was almost 45 minutes late for breakfast. Not 10 minutes, not 20 minutes, 45 freaking minutes.

43 MINUTES!?!?!??

She struggled to get out of bed because of the sushi roll she had made with herself. By the time she had untangled herself, she was seen rushing out of bed, running towards the bathroom as she took of her tshirt mid way throwing it on the floor simultaneously.

By 10 she was finally out of the bathroom, running a hand through her wet hair that she didn't get the time to blow dry.

Rushing as she threw the wet towel on the bed, without a care of the world and ran towards her closet. She spent a total of another 7 minutes there as she fumbled through possible outfits, finding none of them satisfactory.

After she was finally done, she had again chosen a suit after all these attempts.

Cursing because she realized that she could've just picked what attracted her in the first place. Huffing and puffing, she looked at herself one last time in the mirror before she ran out of the door, rushing down the stairs to reach the dining hall.

When she entered, relief flashed over her as she realized that probably everyone was late.

The biggest surprise was Vikram.

The man who was spick and span from the time she had first seen him, it was so surprising to see him coming to breakfast, not in a suit but in his T-shirt and sweatpants and furthermore, no one even stopped him.

Vanshika and Vikrant were in any case, sleeping with open eyes as they both chewed onto slices of bread while only Aradhna was dressed in proper clothes.

Aradhna left out a loud sigh, finally seeing someone who had made an effort to look presentable like her.

"Sorry Aunty. I woke up a few minutes ago."

Chandralekha panted a little as she took her seat next to Vikram who seemed to be still under a daze.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything beta. At least you made an effort to look presentable. Unlike others."

She said, highlighting the last line as if to emphasize on it. Nobody, however reacted to what she was saying and continued half yawning and half eating.

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