Ch2: The meeting

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As my car entered the palace, the huge swarm of people, locals and tourists alike made way for me to pass.

The guards asked them to move aside and some obliged silently while the rest argued.

We were just about to enter the private side of the palace when my eyes landed on a girl.

She had the same face, the same brown eyes, the same red lips and a beautiful smile danced on them.

I couldn't control myself as I shouted her name from inside the car. My father got scared as he held my hand, stopping me from stepping out.

I tried to let go of his grip on my wrist and continued shouting hoping she would turn around and listen.

She continued to walk. I quickly snapped my hand away from him and stepped out of the car.

I ran into the crowd of people, looking for her. It was too big. The place and the crowd made it impossible for me to find her.

All I remember was her smiling face, she looked so much like 'her'.

She looked so much like my only true love that I had just lost.

I ran a hand through my hair, desperately trying to look for her.

I let out a frustrated groan as my left leg started paining and I looked at the wound.

I started hearing her cries and remembered her begging eyes. The pain suddenly turned unbearable.

Someone held me as I fainted. I could hear slow murmurs around me but an alien scent invaded my nose and thoughts and soon darkness engulfed me.

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I woke up panting because of my dream. It's been 8 years since 2 things happened that changed my life forever.

First, I lost the very person that made my life worth living and second, the person I somehow started liking after her.

I got up from my bed to get ready like everyday and took a shower.

Later I met my brother and sister, Vikrant and Vanshika grinning after looking at me.

These two were never any different, always cheerful and bright.

"Good morning you two. What's going on early in the morning?"

"We're fine Bhaisa. What about you? Work's fine?"

Vikrant asked and I nodded

"They're asking you to join as soon as you can too. They want a new face for the company."

"Me!? No not right now. It's my time to enjoy my life. Have some fun. I can't already take a responsibility."

Vikrant was only a year younger to me.

Vanshika on the other hand was 5 years younger than me and was very sassy but still respected everyone.

"And what about you, young lady? Any plans for taking up a job after college gets over?"

"No bhaisa. I just want to get married already. I've studied enough to last a lifetime."

There's no sense of responsibility when it comes to Vanshika.

But Vikrant is aware of his responsibilities, he's just carefree everyday.

I waved to both of them after Aditya arrived. Aditya Narayan has been my secretary since he joined the job.

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