Ch14: I will always love you

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I don't know what had gotten into him since he had consoled me.

For a brief moment, I actually felt nice that he approached me first and then he randomly started acting distant.

They say women complicate things but its honestly the men that make things so much more difficult.Its already been three days since the incident and surprisingly I haven't seen him at all.

Its like he vanished into thin air.

I haven't seen him during any of the meals.

I don't know why his absence is starting to bother me when it used to be his presence that I wanted to avoid in the first place.

I mean, I don't even know if I said anything wrong because I blabber endlessly without thinking. Despite this, he didn't bother telling me my fault either.

The coldness in his voice had taken me aback a little. I have no idea if men have sever mood swings too because in that moment, I don't know what had suddenly gotten into him.

Till now, Vanshika has been keeping me company and Vikrant too takes out the time to greet us whenever he sees us.

Apart from this, Vanshika came to my room like any other day after dinner and started her talks.

Amid our conversation, which to any third person would look like a single person talking and the other simply listening, she shook a hand in front of my face.

"-then he just randomly said he wanted to meet me alon-- Hey are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah yeah. I zoned out for a second."

I said as I shook my hand to get myself out of my reverie.

We were talking about random things in the middle of the night and while Vanshika was in her little fairy-tale, I was in my own, thinking about how Vikram had disappeared.

We both heard a loud crash like something fell and broke.

Vanshika instinctively snuggled closer to me and asked me to go and check who it was.

Now people, if you've seen a horror movie, the most common act of stupidity is that the characters split and look for the cause of the sound and in the end get killed.

I know being the eldest out of the two of us, I should've checked but come on, I'm shitty scared of horror movies.

So, I dragged Vanshika along with me as she was hesitant to get off from the couch.

As we both quietly left the room, we saw a shadow approaching us in the dark. The corridor was supposed to be well lit but the lights were really dim and the face of the person was unrecognizable.

The shadow soon started moving towards us and I asked Vanshika to hide in a corner while I picked up something from the table beside me.

The first thought that came to my mind was that it was a zombie because of the way he was walking.

My hands started to shiver and I closed my eyes ready to swing the decoration piece at it when a hand caught my wrist and I let go of the decoration piece that I was holding.

I wanted to scream, but my voice got stuck in my throat.

I drew in a sharp breath when he moved forward till I could clearly see his face.

It was Vikram.

He looked tired.

His neatly gelled hair were disoriented with strands of hair falling here and there and his eyes looked dazed. Vanshika suddenly jumped up from the corner with a loud 'AAH' as she was getting ready to hit Vikram with something.

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