Ch57: Let the games begin

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My eyes fluttered open to the rays of sunlight beaming through the fluttering curtains and I yawned the biggest yawn of my life.

Sighing, I turned to my side trying to get a glimpse of my wife but when I was met by an empty space, disappointment sank into me.

Last night was something.

Before entering the room, I tried to think of anything but sex because I knew Chandralekha had to be tired out of her wits because of the heavy lehenga she wore the entire evening.

I knew she would never complain but deep down the weight was killing her.

I hadn't planned to let go of the control I had gained for so long but the moment I saw her sitting on the bed, with eager eyes as if she was waiting for me, well, the control vanished into thin air.

Control was the last thing on my mind last night but oh I'd be an idiot if I said I regretted letting go.

She was beautiful with clothes on but when I stripped all of them away, I saw the real beauty that lay beneath and in that moment, I knew I could never get enough of her. I could have her every single minute of my life and it would still never quench the thirst I had developed.

Her curves fit perfectly in my hands as if she was carved out for me.

Her every moan rang in my ears from last night, giving my cock a little twitch at the thought. My hands itched to get hold of her waist and to pull her close to me but my wife was nowhere to be found.

To call her my wife too felt like a reward.

To imagine that I found love in this person made me so happy inside.

A warm fuzzy feeling gripped my heart and a smile tugged at my lips. I scanned the entire room for her whereabouts but found her nowhere.

I was in my thoughts when I heard the bathroom door open and I saw my wife enter the room.

Her soaking hair spread across her shoulders as my eyes moved further down, observing that she had a small towel on and probably nothing underneath. Gulping, I controlled my sinful thoughts as I couldn't help but stare at her with an intense heat.

"I think I fell in love with you again."

She had not noticed that I was awake and that was clearly evident with the small scream she let out because of how startled she was.

She covered her mouth and then stared at me with her mouth agape as she fumbled with her towel, trying to keep it on her skin.

"Darling, there's nothing I haven't seen or licked already."


She raised her voice in a warning tone and I chuckled, staring at her shrinking figure.

"Come here."

I motioned with my fingers to come next to me and she painfully slowly obliged.

She stood on the end of the bed, eyeing me as her eyes flickered to my naked torso. A few seconds continued as she stared without a word, gulping and then turned away shaking her head.

"You're seriously blushing at this and not after all that we did last night?"

I chuckled unbelievably as she raised her hands to her face, getting rid of whatever heat that had risen to her cheeks.

"I-I have to wear my clothes."

She was about to walk away when I propped myself up and she stopped.

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