Ch33: Chandralekha's Backstory Part 1

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And Vikram stood up almost too soon as he immediately recognized the voice and rushed to the door as if lightning had struck him and opened the door swiftly and as expected, found Chandralekha standing outside the door.

She blushed a little and Vikram cleared his throat and welcomed her in.

She quickly looked back to see if anyone was watching them and when found no one, she quietly entered the room and closed the door behind her and locked it.

Vikram sat on the bed and Chandralekha stared at him as he patted to a space beside him on the bed and she finally went forward and sat down.

"I've come to tell you something."

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Vikram nodded comfortingly and waited for her to continue.

"It's about my past."

Hearing this he straightened up and held one of her hands before speaking

"I've told you before, if you're not comfortable then you shouldn't tell me. I don't wanna know if it makes you uncomfortable. It's not the end of the world if you don't tell me."

Chandralekha smiled and held his hand firmly as she said

"No I have to tell you. One day or the other it will become essential to tell you. So, kal kare so aaj, aaj kare so ab. (No time like the present) I feel like I'm cheating you by not telling you."

Vikram shook his head and a small smile graced his features as Chandralekha let out a loud sigh as she composed herself and thought about her story.

"I don't know where to start..."

She chuckled painfully as she sighed once more and smiled sadly remembering what all had happened with her.

Something that had completely ruined her and left no scope for healing. 

A painful disaster.

A painful nightmare. And she was in the center, feeling all that pain and even after all those years, she was still feeling it.

Feeling almost abnormal since most people would often say in hushed whispers, for her to move on from it and silence the topic forever.

But the question remained, how could she?

She didn't have the strength to just move on and pretend nothing had hit her. 

She couldn't pretend, especially not if she loved herself and her morals. Yet the society deemed it fit for her to forget everything.

And if the individual in question was unable to, they would be categorized in the name of 'victim mindset'.

A thousand emotions pooled in Chandralekha's heart but above all, fear lingered in her soul, of how someone she liked would react after hearing about her nightmarish past. 

Would he stop acknowledging her?

Would he break off everything?

Would he start despising her?

The answer was incomprehensible for her.

Still, her heart wanted to give it a shot. And so with fear in her heart and pain aching her soul, she began her story.

 And so with fear in her heart and pain aching her soul, she began her story

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