Ch16: Nazren Churana

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Late at night, at about 11 in the night, Chandralekha was scrolling through her phone while lying on the bed when she heard a knock on the door.

She got up to open it but then stopped.

What if its him.

She quietly went back to her bed and pretended to snore so that whomsoever was outside would leave thinking she was fast asleep. Soon enough, as expected, the knocking stopped and the footsteps retreated.

At the exact time, Chandralekha sprang up and made a dash towards the door and slowly opened it.

She went out slowly to peek if she could see who it was but the person had already left it seemed.

She entered her room and locked the door with a yawn.

"Did you think I left?"


She dreaded having to turn around because she recognized the person to whom the voice belonged.

She gulped loudly then cursed slowly and turned around coming face to face with Vikram. The room was dim lit and she could make out that he was indeed glaring at her.

"I-I was just looking for you."

"Were you? It seemed like you were relieved to see me leave."

"I-It's not like that."

Fuck why am I stuttering?

"Why were you avoiding me?"

"Ignoring you? What are you talking about? Not at all?"

She feigned ignorance and scoffed.

She clutched the ends of her t shirt tightly as he moved one step closer.

She saw him leaning in and before he could do anything out of the blue, she put a hand on his chest.


She went closer to him and sniffed. He made a weird expression.

"Are you drunk again?"

She mumbled to herself.

"But I don't smell anything though."

"What makes you think I'm drunk?"

"The way you're behaving is enough to give me the hint."

"Have I never behaved like this with you before?"

"Never ever."

She crossed her arms in front of him and he massaged his temples with a sigh.

It hadn't been very long since they both had met yet it felt like they had known each other since years from the way they both were bickering.

Vikram sighed loudly once more before he began again.

"Would you mind explaining why you are avoiding me?"


I can't tell him. He'll be heartbroken. Maybe that's why he was calling her name. There might've been a story behind why he and that girl aren't together.

I don't want to see him heartbroken if I ask him. So I won't.


Here I'm heartbroken myself and I still care about his feelings.

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