Ch21: What went down?

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When they both quietly entered the room, Chandralekha was quick to ask.

"Tell me quickly. I've got a meeting lined up."

"Excuse me, I'm the king. I've got way more work than you do."

"Excuse you but just because you're a king doesn't mean I have less important work than you. So cut the slack and tell me what you wanted to say."

Vikram was again amused by how quick she was in shutting him down and was unaffected as he spoke

"Where did Ma take you?"


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Chandralekha's mind stopped for a second as she silently contemplated of what to tell him.

She fidgeted with her fingers trying to get rid of the tiny sweat particles that were clumping up in her hands.

I shouldn't tell him right. He's going to be furious with Aunty.

With that she made up her mind as she spoke once again

"You don't need to know everything that goes on between two women. Mind your business."

There was a loud chuckle heard from Vikram.

" 'Mind my business', the two women in this context are my business. One is my mother and the other is..."

Chandralekha looked at him with questioning eyes and waited for him to actually spell out what their relationship was and what she meant to him.

But Vikram being himself would never ever admit what he actually thinks. And so he said.

"My friend."


"So where did you two go?" he asked once again.

"Its between Aunty and me. Why should I tell you? Go away I have to pack for tomorrow."

She turned around to walk towards her suitcase but two hands around her waist spun her around and she fell in the arms of the King of Udaigarh.

The most eligible bachelor out there who is probably wanted by every woman in the country and yet a normal girl like her gets the opportunity of marrying him.

Its like a fairytale come true.

But not the fairytale she wanted or expected.

Her thoughts were broken by the brown orbs that always awestruck her as they intently stared at her.

Her eyes then fell on the lips of the man that was holding her.

His goddamn lips. The way they turn into a smirk every time he's amused. He doesn't smile. He smirks! Talk about someone falling right out of fictional books. Good God!

Vikram clearing his throat broke her out of her heavenly trance.

She looked away and tried to get back on her own feet when she realized that she was leaning too much into him.

He didn't let go. She tried again. He still didn't let go.

She tried once more and failed and then gave up, gaining another loud chuckle from him.

"I've tried to get out of your grip at least 3 times and you don't plan on letting go of me so why don't you do me a favor? While you're at it, can you please take me to the bed?"

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