Ch23: But you didn't say no.

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"I'm sorry Vikram. I'm a coward. Even after you've told me everything. I still can't get myself to tell you-"

Vikram held her head and rubbed it as he shushed her softly. Now she was crying more because of how wrong she was about this man. There is nobody like him. There is no one like Vikram.

I was so wrong about him!

"I know that you're scared but I know you are braver than your fears. I know your strength. I'm here with you. I always will be. You can trust me. So take your time.. But face your fears Chandralekha. I know you are strong."

He hugged her as she cried on and on.

"I promise to be here with you. I'll make sure you're happy forever. I'll always be here like a friend. I'll never make the same mistake again. I promise."

He whispered out softly and kissed her forehead lightly as Chandralekha hugged him and cried, nodding as if saying 'Me too'.

---------- 🥀----------


By now both had calmed down and were still hugging as Vikram asked

"Do you need some water?"

And she shook her head furiously and he chuckled lightly.

But then the ultimate realization hit her. Vikram wasn't wearing anything on his torso. She tried to move back from the hug almost urgently and removed her hands from his bare back.

Heat crept up her cheeks as she tried to let go. But the big baby in her arms was still in the feels squishing her.

She lightly tapped on his shoulder making him aware that she wanted him to let go and he did let go to look at her bent face.

"What happened?"

He chuckled lightly. Her heart raced at that.

Great! Now his laughter makes my heart race? What more? Will I see butterflies if I look at his face? Or hear violins in the background after looking at him? Why is this happening?

"Are you crying again?"

He pushed her hair back that covered her face and she look up as her eyes widened. Then in the lowest voice possible she said

"Please put on a shirt."

And she looked down again.

She felt him move closer to her and she looked up to see what he was doing. She came face to face with a half-naked Vikram trying to pin her to the bed as his arms went around her waist locking her there. Her hands instinctively came forward in front of her and he put them on his well-built chest.

She gasped at the contact when she felt his heartbeat.

It was manic. Like his heart was having a stroke any minute now.

"W-What are you doing?"

"If we're going to be married, we should already feel comfortable being this close, don't you think?"

He whispered at his eyes fell on her lips. When she realized that he was staring at her lips, she involuntarily licked them thinking they were dry and she caught a glimpse of him swallowing hard.

"But you just told me that you'll be like my friend."

"I never said I won't love you like a husband."

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