Ch1: Prince Charming

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So here's the first official chapter of The Royal Misfit. Enjoy!


Another not so normal day in the life of the great Maharaj of Udaigarh. Well, honestly I don't think I'm that great.

I've seen people complain about so many things that they haven't achieved in life. For me, things were easier.

Before me, my dad was the King.

You must be wondering what kind of King exists in a democracy, allow me to explain.

Even though there is a democracy, my family is a part of the political party that rules Udaigarh so technically even though we only have titles left with us, we actually rule through democratic politicies and people respect us, so that's a plus point too.

I didn't want to join the party since I wanted to focus more on my career and I could always start in the future.

But I still visit and support the party.

Its my time to enjoy my freedom but my parents just aren't happy with the idea that I'm just a successful businessman without a woman by my side.

I mean I'm just 26 for God's sake.

Who gets married at 26?

Secondly, I don't think any woman can make me happy enough. There was one who used to, but even she isn't here anymore and now I don't wanna try to love.

Thanks to my family being influential enough, I studied at the topmost school and college in the world and received top class education.

I got their good looks, their riches and their heritage.

Being a Rajput, we have a lot of pride and courage which makes us special. You can recognize my family in a crowd full of people.

People stare at us whenever we go out, for me seeing this since I was young has become a normal thing for me. I was crowned King when I was 18 because my father was unable to hold the responsibility any longer.

He was old and I had to take his place someday anyway so they thought 'Why not now?'.

So now the responsibility of maintaining the family heritage and that of the ancestors was on my shoulders.

Dad still works unofficially because he loves his work.

He had to leave it in the first place because of our advisers telling him that they need a new head with a new perspective and a fresh thinking process and that's where I came in the picture.

I was sitting in my office, peacefully working at my laptop when my friend Arjun barged in laughing like a maniac.

"Haven't I told you more than 20 times that you shouldn't be here during work hours?"

He was still laughing wiping away a tear as he sat down on the chair in front of me.

"You should've seen Anushka's face when that guy threw the sandwich on her. She looked so angry. It was like she's a ticking bomb ready to burst."

My friend Arjun and Anushka had been my best friends since we were kids.

Right now Arjun and Anushka had placed a bet with each other on whether they could each make someone fall for them and get a kiss from them within a week's time.

"I got the kiss successfully but Anushka... F*ck...The guy literally threw a sandwich on her face before stomping out of her office when she tried to kiss him. The idiot told him its for a bet. Poor guy must be thinking its true love."

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