Ch36: Arjun and Anushka

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Anushka and Arjun had been Vikram's friends since so long, you could say they knew each other by heart

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Anushka and Arjun had been Vikram's friends since so long, you could say they knew each other by heart.

But despite being Vikram's wonderful friends, Anushka and Arjun by themselves were quite the best friends too.

Pranking each other often like spraying water on each other randomly, throwing mud and permanent colors on each other on Holi or stuffing buckets full of flour over the door so that as soon as the other would walk in it would fall on them.

Their pranks were common like it was an everyday joke.

They were hilarious, to both of them as well as to the onlookers.

But apart from the jokes, they were also two people that cared deeply about each other.

The onlookers never realized that beneath all the fun and games, were two hearts that forced each other to believe that this was only a platonic relationship.

Anushka Kapoor had always been a beautiful girl who was liked by many boys, when she was in school as well as when she was in college. Boys were dying to speak to her and spend time with her.

Partly because she was fun and with being fun she was also a beautiful and kind hearted girl.

She was a mix of sweet but deadly.

A girl with a rising temper with each second but if you entered her friend group, she'd never betray you or hurt you. A helpful and kind friend but only if you teared down her walls and touched her heart.

Arjun Roy Chaudhary on the other hand, was as popular among girls as Anushka was among boys. Girls were obsessed with him.

And there were reason to be. He had the good looks and the riches.

He was the perfect man in their eyes after Vikram left for abroad.

Arjun's popularity touched its epitome when he was in college. He started playing basketball since he had a good height and was quick. Girls would wait for hours outside the basketball court every Monday evening just to see a glimpse of a shirtless Arjun wiping off his sweat with a towel after his regular game.

They flocked around him like bees to honey.

But to one girl, his charms were never appealing enough - his own best friend Anushka.

Anushka had her eyes set on someone else.

Their most quiet friend, Aditya who not being as rich as the other three was the genius of their class. Anushka had always liked Aditya.

The day she first saw him, she was attracted by his hidden charms.

She would sit with him for hours faking that she had not understood a particular question and spend the time with him. She would go see him during his chess matches, sit with him in class and cheer him on when he won the math competitions.

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