Ch43: Defeating Evil

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Aradhna and Vikram immediately straightened up, hearing Raghuveer's words.

Aradhna spoke up, a little scared of how he would react.

"V-Veer it's not like that. We were just coming to tell you everything."

One of his hands went up. Despite having given the 'throne' to his son, he was in power for 31 years of his life.

The fact was that among the family members, Vikram was the closest to his mother. Raghuveer had tried to always be close to him but somehow, Vikram would manage to hide from him.

At times, he wouldn't be even aware if he was at home or not.

He wasn't even aware about Chandralekha coming to the palace until the day of her arrival. He had been upset about it but he didn't tell anyone.

This time around, he heard everything and walked right into the conversation.

"Care to explain to me what has been happening in this house since a month? Because no one is bothering to speak up first."

Aradhna gulped and spoke up, Vikram still silent not wanting to say a word unless he's asked to.

"Veer, you know why Chandralekha was called here. Vikram came to tell me.."

Raghuveer looked at both of them with a stern expression as he gained Vikram's attention by saying.

"I want to hear it from you Vikram."

Vikram gulped a little as he felt himself returning back to his 18 year old self in front of his father even though he was a grown man now. He answered softly while looking down.

"Papa, I.. I really like Chandralekha."

"Like or love?"

Raghuveer asked back in another stern voice and Vikram answered once again.

"I.. I love her."

Then came a loud chuckle. Echoing through the room as Vikram and Aradhna gained some courage to meet Raghuveer's eyes, who was laughing as if there was no end to it.

"You should've looked at your faces... Hahahah.."

He said trying to catch his breath as he continued laughing.

Vikram and Aradhna were shocked to say the least as their own faces started gaining the same smile and laugh with each passing second. Within a few more seconds, all threw were laughing like maniacs.

Raghuveer finally said, breaking his endless laughter.

"Beta.. Your father isn't a killer. You can tell me about your feelings."

Raghuveer finally stopped and said with a smile.

"I'm glad that you chose her. Rather I'm proud that you chose her."

Vikram smiled back as he said

"The only problem now is, when she returns here she should choose me too."

Aradhna put a hand on his shoulder saying.

"I'm sure she will say yes. I can feel it already."

"Yes Ma. But I need to make arrangements to propose her. I still have to speak to her best friend and find out all the details, then we can start prepping them."

Aradhna and Raghuveer both nodded, Raghuveer finally happy that his son was opening up to him this easily.

Vikram sat there, motivated to win Chandralekha over.

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