Ch11: I'm Done

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{A/N: This chapter has a mix from the narrater's POV and from Chandralekha's POV.}

There are very few people that make us smile.

They are the memorable ones in our life because its them that make life actually worth living.

Chandralekha had not met many such people.

Small things in life made her happy.

She wasn't perfectly happy and was certainly not living the dream that she had once seen. But, she was happy. Her family and taking care of them was what made her happy.

However, suddenly another person was trying to enter her small world.

Maybe he's forced too. Forced to let me enter his world.

Vikram was a nice man it seemed.

Although their first experience together wasn't good at all.

His initial rude behaviour was something she couldn't try to ignore. But then again, Chhaya wasn't completely wrong when she said that the coffee incident had happened because both of them.

Both were to be blamed.

Ugh, I don't know

Chandralekha kept wondering while both of them walked peacefully till they reached their rooms and bid each other goodbye until they met for the next meal.

Upon entering the room, Chandralekha took off her heels and changed her outfit.

She moved towards her bed feeling fatigued emotionally.

She sat on the edge of her bed helplessly.

What has been happening with my life?

She felt like her life had been going round and round like a rollercoaster, full of new surprises every day.

First the trip in itself being the biggest surprise. Then the family treating her as their own.

Then seeing Vikram again. Then the marriage proposal.

I mean just imagine, how did she even wind up here?

And now she had accepted to consider a marriage proposal of a King.

Just few days ago she was a normal girl from a middle class family going to work everyday to earn her livelihood. Who could've imagined her to wind up in a place like this? With people like this?

With a person like that?

What was God thinking when he was writing my destiny?

She let out a long sigh and decided to call her parents.

I gotta question them about this matter.

"Your father has readily accepted you to come here and spend some time with Vikram."

How could they act so surprised when the letters began coming in?

I was the foolish one to not notice anything wrong when Ma said she's sending me alone without anyone else to accompany me. And my father, even he acted like he knew nothing about this.

Why me? Why me though?

What do they see in me? Why do they want an extremely flawed person to marry their son? Especially when he's the KING of Udaigarh.

Her brows furrowed as confusion, anger and hurt mixed altogether in her heart to make her feel miserable. Frustrated tears streamed down her face.

Now she didn't even want to call her parents.

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