Ch41: A promise to meet again

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The sounds of our kissing echoed through the room as there was a knock on my door and both of us broke apart, panting and staring at each other as I realized the mess I had made with his hair.

The same thing making me giggle as he raised an eye brow to question me but I continued to giggle.

The knock came again and I answered still sitting in his lap.

"Hanji? (Yes?) "

Ma's voice echoed from outside the door as she screamed.

"Chanda what are you doing inside? Why is the door locked? "

Uh-Oh x 2

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Hearing Ma's voice, my smile dropped as I realized the kind of position we were in while she stood outside the door.

"N-Nothing Ma. I was taking a shower. I'm just changing. "

Hearing that I looked at Vikram who smirked as he tried hiding the blush that crept on his face matching mine.

He whispered slow enough that the voice wouldn't go out as he said

"You want to change with me in the room? "

I widened my eyes as I tried not to giggle out once again, meanwhile he was still on 'smirk mode' when Ma's voice came again, both of us listening carefully.

"Well then hurry up and take Vikram somewhere. The poor boy is bored sitting at home. "

She screamed so loud, that even if Vikram had been in a different room he would've definitely heard what she had said.

"If you ask me, I'm having fun! "

Vikram whispered and when I looked back to see his face, he was still smirking eyeing my lips as I lifted his chin to reach my eyes.

"My eyes are up here. "

Vikram made a 'hmm' sound as he whispered.

"But this view is much more interesting. "

I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling like an idiot as I lightly slapped his chest and he let out an 'Ah' as if he had been hurt.

My eyes immediately widened once again as I looked at him and the door back and forth, realizing that my mother was still out there and this guy made a sound.

And as expected, within a second there was another knock and a voice shouted.

"Chanda? What was that? Are you hurt? Open the door. Let me see. "

I panicked as I got off the extremely comfortable place I was in, standing and trying to think of something to say.

"M-Ma I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute. You can go. "

I shouted as Vikram was still lying in the same position I had left him, but sitting a little upright with the help of his elbows. His face showed no signs of panic unlike mine and that offended me.

I bent forward as I whispered.

"Get up! Aren't you the least scared that she'll find you here? "

He looked at me with bored eyes, still on 'smirk mode' as he whispered back.

"Why should I be? I'm going to be your husband very soon. "

He then slowly got up, making me move back as he towered over me once again touching my cheek.

I finally let out the words that were stuck in my mouth.

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