Ch26: Back in Delhi

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I was ready to leave and few of the helpers were sent to my room to carry my luggage although there wasn't really a lot. I met Vanshika and Vikrant who were together as usual as Vanshika once again wept like a baby in my arms.

As the luggage was being kept inside the car, Aunty and Uncle both came and offered me genuine smiles and I touched both of their feet and they retired inside after wishing me a 'safe journey'.

The final goodbye came from Vikram who was already ready, clad in a neat dark navy blue suit and looked as handsome as ever with his neatly gelled hair. I couldn't comprehend the expression on his face. It was a mix of emotions.

His brows were tightly knit together but he tried to put up a smile.

Vanshika and Vikrant left us alone and the helpers too moved inside.

After everyone left and only the driver was inside, Vikram came closer to me and held my shoulders

"I would've loved to come."

"You don't have to. I can handle it."

I said as I put up a reassuring smile. He seemed relaxed to see me smiling.

It was so weird, how we both so attached to each other in a matter of days. I'm damn sure no one expected this, not even Aunty.

I don't think he realizes that we're both the same people that met each other in that hospital 8 years ago. I'm pretty sure no one told him. But I want Aunty's permission before telling him since it might trigger a memory he may not wish to remember.

What happened to Maithili was indeed tragic and anybody in his place who loved her desperately, would have been in the same condition as him. I respect him greatly, as an individual, as a friend and even as a lover, who still mourns the death of his love.

Vikram held the back of my waist and pulled me a little close before I saw him place his lips softly on my forehead. Touching them so lightly it felt as if it was a feather touching my forehead.

He pulled away quickly and I could see his cheeks being flushed and a little blush covering them.


I giggled a little as he cleared his throat and looked away from me while saying

"Take care and.."

He moved back and with dazed eyes said once again

"I'll see you soon."

I nodded sweetly as I opened the door of the Rolls Royce that was going to drop me to the airport. The car slowly moved as Vikram moved up on the porch waiting for the car to leave. He slowly put up his hand and waved me goodbye as I too involuntarily was waving back before I knew it.

I saw him waiting for the car to leave his sight and he stood there waiting till then.

I smiled to myself as I looked back one last time, to see him standing there with his hand still up in the air and then we left the gate and I could no longer see him.

The flight was not tiresome at all as my work kept me busy for 2 hours. I reached Delhi at 10 and was sitting in my own house drinking coffee by 10:30. The day passed by rather uneventfully. Papa was fine, I had been told that it was a normal high blood pressure condition that arises once in a while, but yes it was rather scary.

I decided to go to Soniya's house the next day itself and check on her.


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