(Angst/Fluff??) Mental Hospital

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You rub your eyes as you try to get a clearer look of what was in your room, squinting your eyes to see a rather large butterfly with a face.

The butterfly had realistic features, a nose and you know the rest. It had blue wings and a darker shade of blue for it's torso.

"Are you..real?" You ask, standing from your chair as you started to get creeps up your spine.

"Of course I am," It said, it had a nice voice. Monotone and sweet, making you slightly comfortable with it's presence. "I'm Mador." It intoduces.

"hello..Mador," You wave, making him smile. It was a tad but creepy, coming from since he was a butterfly..in your room. "Well, I'm known for having extreme hallucinations, so you have to prove your point."

It starts flapping away to your mirror, entering it as the mirror seemed to be like water. As if there was a portal underneath that plain glass.

"Are you coming?" Mador's voice rang your ears like a narrator. You were curious and evidently suspicious, hesitantly walking closer to the glass. "Don't be scared, we would never hurt you nor a fly." You felt eyes watching you as you entered the glass, only to fall down.

You shout as the wind makes contact with you, falling from the sky as you see the mirror fading from view. Landing on some bushes, leaving leaves stuck to your hair. Now, you were in a forest; a road ahead of you. It looked endless as each side has a tree, begging you to keep walking.

"Oh, did he not warn you about the fall?" Another voice asked fron the trees, making your head snap to every one. Your eyes sensing for any movement as your gaze met upon blue eyes. "I assume you're..Y/n?" It asks as a smile formed on the tree, revealing a Cheshire cat with purple and white stripes.

"How do you know my name?" You ask, tilting your head to see it disappear. Reappearing by your neck as you tried to suppress your yelp, you could feel it's tail making contact with your skin.

"I think Mador told me?" It asked, moving again to the tree, "Or maybe you told me? Or another version of you..maybe.." It mumbled, going upside down to reveal it's belly. "Maybe the sky spelled your name, we would never know." It disappears, leaving you to your confusion.

Voices kept telling you to follow the dirt trail, so you did. Each step you took was an endless cycle, you found yourself not being able to stop; like an addiction.

Making it to the edge, you see nothing. Clouds swarmed the edge as water falls from the mountain, a waterfall. It was confusing to see, do you jump? Supposedly everything here is crazy, so shall you do something crazy aswell?

"Don't be scared..I'll catch you." You hear Mador's assurance, making your brows furrow as you couldn't help yourself but jump.

You close your eyes, feeling a comfortable silence and darkness swarming your view as you hear your name being repeateed like a curse. You felt your body being shaken as your name becomes louder.

"Y/n!" You hear your mother shout, and with a gasp, you woke up. Seeing the maids look at you with concern, some doctors kneeling beside you.

You check to see the mirror was never there, your nose was bleeding and what left off of the large butterfly, was a small one. It had no human features, but a normal butterfly flapping in your view.

You check your mother to see her eyes glistening with tears, and now you remembered this was your last chance to prove you weren't crazy. You insisted her to keep yourself locked into a room, but now looking back, it was a terrible idea.

Your mother shakes her head, choking through her tears as you felt a needle stick through your shoulder. It felt like an ant bit you, and the next thing you know you had drifted unconscious again.

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