Other side 2 : Songfic

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I have some friends to help us both, was the last thing you said to Loki before you finally left. Now, he was climbing through the icy chambers where he met your room.

There you were, in your armour holding a book. Calmly waiting for 'Prince charming' to enter. It was a horrible code name. Once you hear his foot drop to your wooden floors, you smiled.

"Finally, I thought you weren't gonna come," You taunt, dropping your book inside your bag.

"You're gonna bring a book to our escape?" He asks, raising a brow, "I expected some gadgets. Maybe weapons,"

You threw him a small cylinder-shaped object with a button right on the middle. Advising him to give a little bit of distance within he and the object.

Once he pressed the button, a large scythe appeared. It made him jump and press the button once again, bringing it back to it's cylinder-shaped gadget.

Loki let's out a shaky breath, "So, who are your friends, exactly?" He asks, slowly opening the door.

"All my friends are heathens, we'll have to take it slow," He furrowed his brows, following you from behind.

Wait for them to ask you who you know.
Please, don't make any sudden moves.

Your advice only confused him, "Who?"

"The abused," You answered, waving a hand to create a large chunk of ice which fortunately got rid of the guards.

You smiled as you reacged a familiar door, "And where are we now?" He asks, making you give him a side-glance, your palm gliding around the door.

"Welcome to the room of people who have rooms of people that they loved one day," You opened the door, "Docked away,"

Just because-
we check the guns at the door,
Doesn't mean our brains will change..
from hand grenades.

That one door only lead to a library, which made Loki infuriated. Were you messing with him.

"You'll never know the psychopath standing next to you," He threatens, "You'll never know the murderer standing next to you,"

You'll think, "How'd I get here,
sitting next to you?"
But after all I've said,
please don't forget..

You only grinned at his impatience, leading him to the middle bookshelf. Which, when you pulled the bright, red book, it opened.

Revealing hundreds of souls. Different colored to what they were. Red demons, shadow men and mainly just deceased warriors you've collected.

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of-

"The abused," You whispered towards him, answering the question plastered on his mind.

Demons came springing into action and ghouls started to fly all over the place. The rest were timid. The shadow men specifically crowding around Loki.

"Get them off of me,"

"Apologies, they don't deal with outsiders very well," You moved onto the bell, once hit, it could notify the whole castle of danger, "They say newcomers have a certain smell,"

"They have trust issues, you forgot to mention," He adds, being sniffed. It made his nose crinkle in curiosity.

"They say they can smell your intentions,"

He laughed, clearly amused, "What a freak show,"

"You'll have some weird people sitting next to you," You shrugged, pulling the bell's strings which made the whole castle echo the sound.

You grinned as it did, hearing the thundering footsteps from above and heading onto your library.

"You'll need that scythe," You point towards the object he was clutching, "Ready, prince charming?"

"Ready than ever,"

You kicked the door open which caused every demon to attack, like you ordered. Lunging at everyone who was in the way.

But after all I've said,
please don't forget..
All my friends are heathens,
take it slow.
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse.

The both of you and Loki exit out of the library, walking calmly aways from the ruckus happenong behind you. Hearing shouts and screams as so.

All my friends are heathens,
take it slow...
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please all my friends are heathens,
take it slow..
Wait for them to ask you who you know

Finally made it out of the castle and didn't even need to use a weapon, Loki sighed happily. Feeling his plan grow more successful by the second.

Jumping when he saw several demons behind you, "Why'd they come? I thoughr that they would stay,"

"I'm their leader, they cannot stay away," You smiled at his slight frightened face, "You don't seem like an outsider to them. Hey, you might be one of us,"

You pat his cheek before walking to the assigned position, now, waiting for the ship to run down.

"Never again will I ask anyone from Jotunheim for help," He whispered to himself.


Not my favorite, to be honest.

My toe is bleeding, too. My cat plunged his claws in my foot.

Requested by lets_do_gethelp

I assumed you meant the song heathens.


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