(Fluff) Fall in love inside a train 2

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Ever since your encounter with Loki, he couldn't get you off your mind.

Re-reading the same sentences inside his book and it got him infuriated. How almost everything seem to attach with you. He even had you inside his dreams almost half the time!

He didn't believe in love at first sight, but now? How you changed that for him quicker than Pietro running.

Yes, Pietro. He was in Midgard yet he couldn't find a single trace of you. He could've if he asked for Tony's help. But knowing how he worked, he would have rattled his, "Crush,"

Maybe all he needed was a walk. So he did. He walked around the city of New York. It was bustling and chatter filled his ears like it was purposely trying to annoy him. When he meant a walk, he expected a quiet one. Maybe where no such noise was bothering him from feeling peace.

Suddenly, his head immediately snap around when he heard the voice he was dreading to hear.

"Thanks, Stan, I was really craving these," You smiled, holding a box of cookies while Stan grinned.

An old man working inside a bakery, not the first one you've seen, "No problem, sweetheart. If you need another batch, just call!"

You gave him a thumbs up before closing the door, continuing to walk over to your home. Unbeknownst to you, there was a God of Mischief following you.


Loki leads himself into the front of an apartment door. He'd just watch you enter and is now pacing in front of your door.

Should he knock? Wouldn't you be angry at him for not visiting for years? Obviously you were. He promised to meet you again and he didn't.

His hands dug inside his pockets to take out a small, green clip. Fumbling with the item as he finally made his choice.

Before he was able to knock, the door swings open. Revealing a wide-eyed Y/n. Loki, panicking, puts the clip in a proposal sort of way. Putting it in front of you with both his hands holding it up.

"What are you doing?" You ask with amusement. Oh, how he missed your voice.

"Y/n.." Loki calls breathlessly.

"Loki," You smiled, intertwining your hands with his, "Come on in. I have a bunch to tell you about,"

You closed the door behind him and let him look around your apartment. It was small and modern. He sat down on the sofa while you set some cookies in front of him.

"You haven't aged a day," Loki muttered, analyzing you. It was true, you really haven't, "Must've had great products?" He chuckles, trying to diffuse the awkward atmosphere.

"Ah..nope," You laughed, sitting beside him, "Perks of immortality," You shrugged, making his eyes widen.

"You're immortal?" He asks.

"Goddess of trickery," You bragged, giving him a grin, "It's how I was able to..trick you? Into thinking I was mortal,"

After you explained everything. How you knew about New York and how proud you were of how much he became as a person. He was still suprised how you were immortal, leaving him wordless.

"Hello?" You ask, waving a hand around his face as a joke, "Come on, say something,"

"How nice it is for you to shock me by telling your whole origin story," Loki clears his throat, sarcasm dripping in his words. It made you laugh, "Do you really trust me this much?"

"I mean..You are a hero now, aren't you?" You ask as he hesitantly nods, "Then of course I trust you!" You smiled, "Anyhow, how about you? How have you been?"

"Thinking about a certain someone," Loki mumbles, playing with the pin in his fingers. You raised a brow.

"Who?" You asked.

He took a sharp breath, "If I told you it was you..what would you think?" He asks, gaining the courage to look you in the eye.

"W-well," You cleared your throat, your heart hammering in your chest, "I have to admit. I couldn't get you off my mind aswell,"

It was true, ever since that short meeting with him you couldn't help but rewind his actions day after day. It came as a small crush. That's what you always thought.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks. A spark of joy lighting up inside of him as you subtly nod, leaning closer.

It didn't take long for your lips to crash on his, a trembling hand placed on his shoulder as you felt his hand tangle with your hair.

You heard a click just right by your temple. He inserted the clip in your hair, making you smile into the kiss.

Once the both of you have finally pulled away, he said, "I've always wanted to know what you tasted like,"

It brought a rising heat to your cheeks, "You're such an idiot," You whisper before pulling him into another heartfelt kiss.


I thought this was cringe.

Anyhow, how would you guys like the reader with Thor's power?


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