(Angst) Another woman : Alternate reality

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You sigh as you face the door. Currently wearing a colored white floor-length dress as you force a smile. Your hand making way to open the door, revealing the golden hallways and the faraway music.

The goal was not to attract attention, you weren't in the mood to chatter nor dance during today's festivities. Odin and Frigga's anniversary.

Slowly, you slid across the party. Letting yourself stay by the food and drinks whilst you wait for this event to end-- you could've ignored this festivity, but Frigga insisted for you to come.

Your eyes squint in annoyance as you hear someone's calling, "Duchess Y/n!" A familiar ruler's voice rang through your ears.

You turn your torso to face a brunette man, his hair almost falling to his shoulders. His lips twitched into a small smile.

"It is nice to see you here," He spoke, lending a hand which you greatfully shook, "How is the searching?" He asks.

Loki's eyes studied your dress, not in a judgemental way, but an adoring one. His ears blocking out Sigyn's babbling as her arm clinged onto his.

"My apologies, king Kaer," You start, "But I couldn't find a suitor worthy for your view. I have sent you many applications, you have declined them all."

Loki jumps as he felt Sigyn's lips peck his cheek. His eyes were trained on you the whole time he couldn't even hear Sigyn's farewell.

Who could blame him? You looked stunning-- and it had been months since he last talked to you. Busy with Sigyn's madness and the fact you were purposely ignoring him.

"Right, apologies for my picky attitude," He laughed awkwardly, his hand adjusting his tie, "But I do have an inquiry,"

Loki looks left and right before slipping through the crowd. Aiming to head to you, even just a word directed to him he would be grateful for. He was desperate.

"Oh? Pray tell, king Kaer," You smiled, a genuine one this time. He was laid-back, something you earned to have in somebody.

Loki made his way beside you, "Evening, King Kaer," He greets, making you gulp, "Lady Y/n," He takes your hand in his, his lips making contact with your knuckles, "Is there a problem here?"

"Of course not, prince Loki," Kaer shakes his head, "I do have a suggestion for lady Y/n,"

Loki nods for him to continue, his face falling as he felt your hand pull away.

"Would you..like to rule beside my son?" He asks, making your eyes widen, "To state it bluntly, I invite you to be queen of Vanaheim."


You jump slightly as Loki slams the door shut, his body drooping with disappointed. I would be lying if I wrote no-one noticed Loki's outburst.

"Why would you accept that offer?" He asks with exasperation you couldn't understand.

You tilt your head, "Because it was a one-in-a-lifetime choice to do so. Please, don't tell me what I can and cannot do," You shake your head in annoyance.

"Still, it was irresponsible you accept without thinking," He retorts, making you furrow your brows.

"What do you care anyways?" You exclaim, making his jump slightly, "Don't you have to spend your time on precious Sigyn."

"Is this what this is about? Sigyn?" He asks, "She doesn't mean anything about me! She's nothing in the eyes of mine!"

You clench your jaw, "Really? Really, huh?" You repeat, your eyes blurring with tears of frustration, "Is that why you gave her that rose, promising her she was the only one you would love?"

His eye widened, "You- you won't understand, Y/n," You scoff, turning to leave only to be pulled back with his magic, "You want me to tell you? Fine, Odin made me do it."

"I know you hate your father, but you can't blame him for your own problems!" You exclaim.

"It's true! Have you lost trust in me already? Oh- norns, what do I have to do for you to believe me.."

You let in a shaky breath, and he noticed it. How you were struggling to keep it all in.

"Odin would kill you if he knew, he would kill you if I court you.." He trails, noticing his sudden confession, "I wanted to court you, but I can't," He whispers, "I can't," He repeats.

Slowly, you lowered down on the floor. Levitating a while ago due to Loki's sorcery.

"I love you," Loki whispers in finalization.

He felt his heart beat out of his chest as he saw no emotion on your face. He knew this was gonna get a bad ending, he didn't just know. He felt it.

"Why don't we make this easier for the both of us, and forget we both existed," You spoke up, your hands clutching your dress, "I used to feel the same, but I moved on."

"What?" Loki asks, below a whisper, "No, no, please," He dropped to his knees, "What do I have to do to earn it back?"

You shake your head, "You can't," You pull your hands away roughly, leaving him to weep on his own as you exit his chambers. Preparing yourself to meet the king once again.


Thor grinned proudly when he reached Vanaheim's chairs, around his table was Odin, Frigga and Loki. Though, it seemed only half of them were happy.

"I'm so proud of her," Thor announces below a whisper, watching as you stood beside Vanaheim's prince, "I can't even believe it," He sniffed.

"Thor, behave yourself. It's not the time to cry," Odin scolds quietly, making him take a deep breath to pull in tears.

Loki looked glum. Seeing you with someone else kills him. But he knew he deserved it, he knew how much he hurt you yet he still dared to try and court you.

He felt his hand being squeezed. Looking beside him to see Frigga smiling towards him sadly. She knew. She always did.

"I proudly announce Y/n L/n and my son," King Kaer's booming voice echoed around the walls, "Married and to-be rulers,"

You smiled as you felt the prince's chaste kiss land on your own, your cheeks feeling a satisfying warmth.

A new start this was for you.


I'm gonna be honest- I really didn't like this one.



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