(Angst) Unspoken words

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"You can't keep doing this!" You shout as you follow Loki towards his room, "You can't keep leaving us to mourn like that!"

"Why can't you just be happy I'm alive, hm?" He asks, at the brink of exploding from anger, "We've Retrieved the soul stone, I'm alive and so is Natasha,"

"I didn't say I wasn't happy!" You slam the door, "You're just so reckless. With your life and with our feelings. You could've came an earlier time,"

"Be quiet, Y/n,"

He sat down on his bed and gave you a glare.

"Atleast give me an explanation!" You stood in front of him. Your heart clenching, "Tell me-tell me why you couldve just came an earlier time?"

"I don't owe you an explanation,"

"Then lie," You simplified, making him raise a brow, "Lie to me. Tell me something to make me feel like you aren't playing with our- my feelings,"

"Do you think so little of me?" He asks, slowly standing up, "I'm not playing with your feelings,"

"Then why do you act like it," You retort, your lip trembling but his jaw only seemed to tighten, "I want to help you,"

"I don't need your help," He took your arm, making you yelp. He dragged you across the room and outside his door, "I don't need you,"

"You don't mean that," You shook your head, your eyes filling up with tears, "Atleast lie to me and tell me you don't mean it,"

He gave you seconds of silence. It was enough to make you choke, "I mean it," He whispers before shutting the door. It wasn't gentle, nor was it angry.

You were about to knock once again, but you couldn't. Your fists seem to shake. You only ended up with your back on his door, slowly crawling down. Your eyes letting tears escape and silenced sobs.

How he closed the door was like the contemplation whether to be the two. He wanted to be angry, let his sand walls become cement. But he hated hurting you. You made his stone walls become sand in an instant.

But today wasn't the time.


When you saw Strange's pointed finger and the way his eyes trailed to Thanos who was giving in to the strength of the gauntlet. You knew what has to happen.

With some stumbles, you made it to Thanos. Your hand clawing on his arm, your plan about to finish its course.

Though, you were only pushed away and gave Thanos the upperhand. That is, what he thought.

He smirked to you and said, "I am inevitable,"

Then snapped.

With the field gone quiet and Loki standingby the mountain side, he saw as the iron gauntlet you wore started ro be filled. He knew what was happening and he couldn't waste any time.

"Y/n!" He shouts in warning. You didn't hear it. You couldn't hear anything. The only thing you had in mind was to finish this mess, "Don't!"

You snapped.

The field being blinded by this massive white light that seemed to end the problem. Those enemies you fought became to dust.

What really made you feel pride was the look on Thanos' face. Filled with sorrow and defeat as he crumpled. Though, what didn't feel good was Loki's expression.

You let your back lean onto the tree, feeling your heart both pump fast and slow. Like each side trying to keep you alive. It seems both are catching up to a tie.

First person that got to you was Peter, his shield crumpling down to meet your stricken face, "N/n?" He asks, "N/n, we won. We won,"

He sniffed.

"We won, Y/n," He couldn't handle it anymore. Even when you were near death, you could hear the tremble in his voice.

Slowly, the Avengers started piling around you with mourning faces. This wasn't fake, and they knew it. How they wished it was.

Peter was pulled away by Thor when he saw Loki coming close. Kneeling down in front of you with a shocked face, unable to say a thing.

"F-friday?" Tony asks, "Stats?"

"Life functions critical,"

"Y/n, look at me," You turn your head do your eyes could meet Loki's. Filled with despair and shock.

Regret builds up inside him.

His forehead reaches for yours, "Don't leave me," He whispered, his hand squeezing tightly with yours, "I need you..Norns, I need you. Badly,"

You managed to put your shaky hand on his cheek, making him pull away to get a clear view of you. He could see your small smile and how the life in your eyes started fading.

"I faked my death because I thought you would be better without me," He explained, but your eyes already started fluttering closed, "I'm sorry for what I said. I need you, Y/n,"

You couldn't respond back. You didn't even hear the rest of his words. You were gone. And he knew.

"I love you,"

No response.


The Avengers stood by the small grave, a box being pulled away and to be carried to who knows where. On top of the box was flowers, small gifts. Just to pay respect. Especially to show you how they missed you already.

Loki and Wanda stood by somewhere else, eye drooping slightly from tire and sadness.

He raised his head to see the sky. Brighter, probably with you by, "I wish I could tell her how much I love her. I wish I could tell her how much regret.."

"She knows," Wanda whispers, nodding slowly, "She's knows, Loki,"


I hope this made you cry.

My poster making competition is tomorrow and I have no designs.

Anyway, requested by anonymous.


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