(Fluff) Proposal Failure 2

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Keeping up with Loki's schedule was probably the most difficult thing yet. The both of you usually spent time texting each other. Usually at night, where the both of you were free.

Loki: Have you driven home safely?

Was his usual question. Though, it differentiates once in a while and becomes to a lively conversation. It was hard to predict the man when he doesn't really have an indefinite schedule.

He usually visited you at work sometimes. A coffee in his hand with a small gift too. You tried to deny these presents but he insisted as a thanks for giving him a refund. Since, it was a huge loss for your job to lose that much money.

Y/N: I have. How about you?

You answered. He would usually text you right before you slept. You couldn't believe yourself when you always had the urge to reply.

You've even caught yourself grinning madly in the middle of the conversation, immediately making it fall when you felt like a teenager with a cheesy crush.

You thought it was disrespectful, speaking of how he had just got off from his last girlfriend. You didn't want to seem like you were only there for your attraction for him. You wanted to comfort him.

Honestly, you didn't know how you got from giving him a ring for his girlfriend to being his comfort person. Atleast, that was what you thought you were.

Loki: Am I interrupting your night?

You stood from your bed to lean your back on the wall, pulling your knees close to your chest as the light from the phone burned your eyes. You didn't care.

Y/N: Of course not. Am I interrupting yours?

You definitely did not. You made his night better each time. He sometimes wanted to delete some offers down his schedule just so he could hang out. But those offers were irresistible and Odin wouldn't let him toss them to the garbage. He thought it was best for him.

Loki: You didn't. You made my night better, actually.

Loki ran a hand through his face. He wasn't supposed to send that. But before he could delete the message, you already read it to his demise.

You read the message with burning cheeks. It could've been something platonic, right? He wouldn't just send messages without thinking.

Y/N: That's great to hear. :)

Behind the screen, both you and Loki groaned in annoyance. Unable to process what you just sent each other. It was just a normal conversation, but it was embarrassing.

"How is this even embarrassing? We're just texting, that's it. Nothing to be anxious about," Loki soothes himself.

Loki: Are you free tomorrow afternoon?

Loki: Would you like to go out together?

Once he hit send he threw the phone down on the mattress where he couldn't see the screen. He had three fears at this moment.

Either you would deny him with your schedule and he would be embarrassed for life.

Second one was you just plainly denied him and thought he was moving too fast. He was, wasn't he?

Lastly, is that you would actually say yes.

Y/N : I have work but I can get off my shift. So, sure. Where do you want to go?

You softly pressed your phone to your forehead, biting your bottom lip to stifle your squeal. Didn't want to wake up your roommates.

Once Loki heard the notification ring, he slowly toppled over the phone to see your acceptance. Making him silently celebrate, almost forgetting to reply.

Loki : How about that coffee shop by your store? Stan's coffee. By the afternoon?

Y/N : Seems great! Already excited.

Loki : Why don't we both go ahead and have some rest. We don't want to look like vampires by tomorrow.

Y/N : Well, that's too bad. Alright then, sweet dreams.

Loki: And to you too, darling.


You rolled back and forth on your heel as you wait by the coffee shop's front door. Watching as people entered and leave, for a second, you thought he stood you up.

Then you watch as a man came running to your side, "Am I late?" He asks, making you smile as you watched his panting figure.

You checked your wrist as if there was a watch, "Only by a minute," You taunt, making him give you that look. You intertwined your arm with his, "Come on. There's chocolate pudding inside," You said in a sing-song voice.

"Well, what are we waiting for," You laughed as he pulled you in with rush. Immediately heading to the front of the counter.

While you ordered for each other, Loki still clinged onto your arm but his head was perked up when he heard the bell ring.

There, entered a familiar face with another man. It made Loki's heart drop. Immediately flipping his head back to face yours.

Suddenly, his hand intertwined with yours. It made your head tilt to him, but you only smiled and didn't mind the closeness.

The both of you walked over to a table and coincidentally, just right beside the familiar face Loki dread to see.

"Are you alright?" You ask, making the couple right next to you perk their head, "You look really..scared?" You couldn't see the suprised face behind you, but Loki did.

"Kiss me,"

Your eyebrows shot up.

"Excuse me?"

"Behind you," He whispers, making you slowly turn your head to see the familiar face he was hiding from. It was his ex. You familiarized with her, speaking from how much he talked about they're relationship.

"Do I still have to kiss you?"

"Hey, Loki!" Her voice calls, making his eyes go wide. You swore you felt like two criminals about to get caught for no absolute reason.

You pulled him in and crashed your lips onto his. It felt foreign, but you went along. The more he seemed to kiss back the more you memorized how his lips felt against yours.

His ex slowly nodded and whirred back to her seat and back to her lover, "Didn't see that coming," She whispered.

Once you pulled away, you quickly looked behind her to see she didn't payed any more attention to the both of you. Facing him once again, you see him look dark down your eyes.

He cleared his throat, "Has anyone told you that you were a good kisser?" He asks, licking his lips while you felt a scorching burn circling your cheeks.

"None I've ever remembered," You answered, drowning yourself in your drink once it reached your table.

"Just to inform you, that had feelings,"

You couldn't stifle the uncontrollable grin that reached your face, so couldn't he.


I didn't think this would be this long.


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