(Angst/Fluff) Start a family

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It wasn't a secret when you and Loki had married, you wanted a child. Even way before marriage. It was just a simple thought back then, you didn't think it would come true.

You thought you were infertile, actually, after many times, it just wouldn't happen. But, looking back several weeks ago, you couldn't believe that pregnancy test that came positive.

Now, you took a sharp breath in front of the mirror. Checking yourself. Hair slightly tussled and behind you was Loki laid on the bed, peacefully asleep.

You carefully slid to lay beside him, resting your cheek on your fist to keep your clear view. Slowly dragging a finger to his cheekbone.

"I know you're awake," You whispered, making his resting face turn into an uncontrollable grin.

"You always do," He replied, his eyes kept close, but his arms scooping over your waist to bring you closer against him.

"I have something to tell you,"

He hummed in response.

"I'm pregnant.."

His eyes fluttered open, tilting his head to look at you, "Really?"

"We're gonna be parents," You replied, feeling your shoulders slump when he started laughing in pure joy.

"We're having a baby?" He asks once again, sitting up slightly, just enough for your back to hit the sheets.

You nodded.

He pulls you in, feeling his lips crashig into yours with a smile creeping up against each of your faces.


Through the weeks, the both of you had bought several baby clothes, toys and beds. You tried to rationalize that your child didn't need that much, but he insisted.

But, life was always so cruel.

Reaching a month, so close, until you started noticing some bleeding. At first, you thought it wasn't such a big deal. Thinking it was just some small spurts.

Until it lasted for weeks.

After checking the doctor for some confirmation, the both of you had become devastated. Loosing your child was like a bullet passing through your chest. It hurt.

The both of you shed the news onto your friends. They weren't even informed of it yet, it was supposed to happen as a suprise.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n," Natasha stood up first right after you announced your loss, "It's not your fault," She whispers, taking you into your embrace.


Loki caught you in the supposed baby room, glancing sadly at the baby's bed with a visible frown on your face, rocking the bed back and forth.

He sighed, coming from behind you. It almost made you jump, but looking back, once you saw his face, you came relaxed.

He caresses your belly, his chin resting on the top of your head, "I know you're blaming yourself," He whispered.

"I don't know what I did," You spoke, "I don't understand what I did wrong," You really didn't. You stayed home. Your husband practically forced you to stay in bed so he could take care of you.

"You didn't do anything wrong," He assures, "You did everything you could," He turns you around so you could wrap your arms around him, "Please, don't stay sad for any longer,"

"Are you not mourning aswell?" You ask, your face hiding within his neck, silent tears falling, "How can I not be sad?"

He stood silent for a moment, "We'll get through this together," You felt a small drip on your shoulder.


The both of you walked hand-in-hand by the park, choosing to go out for once. It was a big thing for you, and for him. Staying in bed, sleeping, seemed like the best remedy.

But the more you seemed to continue your path, the more you felt your heart clench. You were sure he felt it aswell as you watch children play.

You stopped to watch

"Oh, look at you!" The mother cooes, scooping the child in her arms, "How precious, isn't he, darling?"

"Precious isn't enough," The father grinned, looking at the child adoringly.

You unknowingly kept your gaze towards them as Loki seemed to pull you somewhere. He seemed excited about it. You hadn't acknowledged it yet until the couple went out of view.

"Where are we, mischief?" You ask, looking around. Your head tilts when you saw how he tried to contain his joy, "Hey?"

"Look ahead, darling," He nudges.

You furrowed your brows, doing as he said. Your heart seem to slightly swell when you saw a small house, hearing children's laughter, but you still were confused.

"It's a children's home," He explains, walking furthher towards it, "I had arranged something whilst you were asleep,"

You look at him with wide eyes.

"Now, don't get mad. I didn't get into any trouble," He laughed, reaching to the front of the home, "I signed some papers.."

"Tell me we have the same idea,"

"Mr. Friggason?" An elderly woman with a child clinging onto her hand, "Ah, you must be the lucky wife,"

"Darling.." Loki tries in a slow tone, "I had happened to bump into her when I was buying us some treats and realized she owned a children's home,"

You listened intently, growing excited.

"I decided to visit and I found this special girl," He points a hand to the child clinging onto the elderly woman, "Powers," He whispers to your ear.

"Really?" You asked within a whisper, with a small smile plastered on your face.

He nodded, "I already signed my half..All we're waiting for is yours,"

"You're still asking?!" You squealed, "Yes! You should've told me earlier, mischief. I would've signed given those papers my signatures repeatedly!"

He laughed, "May you give us a pen?"


"Prank time, Claire," You whispered, "See Daddy over there?" You ask. She nodded, "That bucket is filled with sand. Well- You know what to do,"

She grinned, her finger pointing to the bucket. Within seconds, it started to levitate over a path to Loki.

But right after the sand started to fall right atop his head, it stopped mid-air. A hand with green sparks colored from around it twirled, making the sand instead dump on the two of you.

"That's rude!" Claire shouts, huffing with her arms crossed as you try to pat the sand out of her head.

Once Loki met her distance, he crouched down to meet her height, "Well, you did it first,"

"Mom told me to," She retorts, but instead of you agreeing, your eyes teared up. It was the first time she had called you that.

"Well, you agreed, didn't you?" He retorts, kissing her forehead while he grins towards you, "It's okay to cry," He sat beside you.

"I'm not," You hid your face.


Sorry for not being able to post.

Had some problems.

Requested by anonymous. Hope you like this one. :))


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