(Fluff) Princess

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Finishing on your final chores, your ears perk up to your daughter's giggles. It made you smile to know she was having fun with Loki, your husband.

You entered the living room to spot Loki cuddling your daughter in his arms while they watch a movie, Wreck it Ralph, to be specific.

"Enjoying the movie?" You ask, leaning on the back of the sofa. Pecking Loki's cheek which made him smile.

"Mhm. My favorite so far is Vanellope," Noe commented, getting a hum in response from both her parents.

You sat beside her, joining their little cuddle space as the movie continous. It had come to the scene where Vanellope made it to a Disney princess studio. Where they started arguing.

"Do you have magic hair?" The princess asks, making you turn your head to Loki with a smile, "Magic hands?" Now your daughter joined the staring.

Loki rolls his eyes, rubbing your shoulder whilst giving the both of you a, seriously, look.

"Do animals talk to you?" Your tilt your head left and right in some form of agreement, still staring at your husband, "Are you poisoned?"


Loki coughs furiously as Thor gave him tea. Thor might have been the God of thunder, but definitely not of making tea.

"Are you trying to posion me?" Loki asks with exasperation, making you roll your eyes as he threw the tea in the sink.




Flashbacks to when he considered being Jotun was a curse. Not anymore since you've practically showered him with love.

"I look horrible this way," Loki cried, "How do you find it adorable??" He covers his face with his blue hands, "How do you keep finding ways to stay with me?"

You smiled, gently removing his hands to caress his tear stricken face. Making him sigh, your touch always calmed him down.

"First of all, you're the best sorcerer I've seen," You pecked his nose, making a dark shade of red reach his cheeks, "You're sickenly sweet, just enough for me to adore you," You pressed your lips to his cold forehead.

His cold hands intertwine with your warm ones. Bringing a weird but perfect mixture between the two of you.

"And lastly, you're the best husband I could ever dream of," You finished, peppering his face with kisses. Making him sigh in content.

"I love you," He whispers, bringing a cheesy grin on your face.

"And I as well, love you," You giggled, both your lips crashing into each other with passion.


"Kidnapped or enslaved?"


Loki sighs as his hands were now entagled in chains. His captor stood with pride in front of him.

"What do you want from me?" Loki managed to ask, his powers grown weak. This cage must've uncluded some runes.

"Your Jotun genes," The captor menacingly said. Sending shivers through his spine but Loki kept a cold face.

"Over my dead body," He retorts, making his captive chuckle lowly. If he didn't have such an ego, he would shout your name.

"That's the plan,"


"What? No! Are you guys alright or should I call the police..?" Vanellope shouts, her tone becoming smaller each word she uttered.

The movie continous and Noe slowly moves her head to Loki, "Are you..a princess?" She asks.

Loki shrugs, "I could be,"

"I'll tell you aboyt the spectrum of sexualities in a bit," You replied as you saw her confused face, patting the top of her head.

Rapunzel started walking over to Vanellope with her hands on her hips, "Now, for the million dollar question: Do people assume all your problems got solved because a bug strong man show up?"

"She wasn't a man," Loki whispers under his breathe.


Loki winces at the random thundering sound outside of his cell. The Gods have blessed him for they just sent a savior.

Beside him the door exploded revealing you with this large hammer. Probably took it somewhere strange. It was splattered in blood..oh.

"Oh my- What did they do to you?" You ask quickly, kneeling beside him. The hammer shortly left on the cold floor.

"Nothing much. Are you okay?" He asks, relieved someone found him. Relieved it was you.

He felt your hands trace the scars on his face, unable to do anything about it but to wait for it to heal. But for now, you have got to leave.

"Is it a bad time to tell you how I feel?" Loki asks, a small smile reaching his face as he saw your flabbergasted expression.

"Are you crazy?" You whisper.

"For you, I am," He flirts, making you drag a hand over your face. fumbling inside your pockets to take a key, unlocking his chains.

"But yeah, I'm crazy for you too," You covered your smile whilst you remove his cuffs.

"That's good to know," Loki sighs in content.


"You are a princess!" Both you and Noe shout simultaneously, making Loki groan, leaning his body weight onto yours.

"My father's a princess!" Noe shouts in excitement, "I must tell my friends," She ushered.


I really want to make a crossover fanfic-


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