(Fluff) March pt. 1

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"Ought they to smoke like that?"

"It's the dampness drying."

"What a queer smell it's like burnt feathers."

"I'll take this off and you'll see a perfect ringlet.." Jo's scream caught you off guard. It was followed off by Meg's shout at the sight of her own hair crumpled off.

"Why is her hair off?" Beth inquired, eyes wide.

"I'm so sorry."

"What have you done?!"

Amy started laughing hysterically while Meg looked at herself in the mirror. Amy's laughter was infectious, it made you laugh along.

"Marmee!" Meg calls, making everyone run over to ger in a panic. Everyone's words tumbled over each other, it was hard to understand what was happening, "I can't go I'm spoiled!"


Your arm intertwined with Meg's while Jo was on the other side. The elegant music reaching your ears, it was a pleasant thing to start off with the party.

"Don't stare. Don't put your hands behind your back. Don't say "Columbus," don't say "capital.""

You hummed.

"Don't shake hands. Don't whistle."

"Meg March, you look so pretty!" A woman intertwined her hands with hers, taking her along with her. Leaving you and Jo to strive on your own.

"Meg," Jo called softly, but she only went away, "What do we do now, Y/n?"

"I'm not fond of these type of celebrations," You walked beside her through the crowd.

"Then, why did you go?"

"I thought it would be some sort of music appreciation," You shrugged, "I didn't think it would be-" You bumped into a man that was way taller than you, "Oh, my apologies."

"No, my apologies. I wasn't looking where I was going," He took your hand in his, "You look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" He inquired.

"Y/n March, my sister is Meg March. She seems to be the known out if us. You might know her," You blushed when he pressed a soft kiss on the back of your hand, "And you must be..?"

"Loki Friggason," Loki introduced. Now, you noticed. He was one of those famous rich men. People often called him a prince because of his charm, "I do believe I know your sister. I think she and Thor used to be friends?"

You gasped, "You must be the one she nicknamed 'God of mischief'!"

"Is that what she called me?" He laughed.

"Oh, yes. She hated all of your tricks," You rambled, "She often told me about how annoying you are..in a playful way. Meg would never talk bad about anyone."

Loki smiled, "I didn't know she had more siblings."

"Well, there's more than how much you probably expect. Like Jo, she's.." When you look behind you, she was gone. Poof! You wondered where she'd gone, "Jo?"

"And Jo is another sibling?" Loki inquired.

"Yes, there's five of us. I'm still wondering how marmee could handle us all around."

"I bet she's a very busy lady. A hardworking one too, I assume," You nodded at that, "Say, why don't we go somewhere less crowded?"

"That would be delightful."

The both of you roamed around the halls in search of a place to hide in. The one you reached was silent, covered in satin robes that blocks the view. A small bookshelf by the corner, a fireplace, and some chairs.

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