(Fluff??) The other side : Music fic

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Jotunheim's famous place where Jotuns felt free to go drunk. Now, what would the princess be doing there?

You enter the bar with the letter gripped tightly in your fist, the coat and gloves you were wearing was hung on the post.

It seemed to be empty, of course it would be, it's the middle of the night. The bartender would still be cleaning at this time.

Beside you sat down a tall man covered with a green cloak. No-one seemed to notice your presence, which was such a blessing.

"Go on with it, I don't have time for this," You looked left and right cautiously, saying these in a whisper, "My father might see."

Cups of alcohol passed by. You took the small cup and gulped it quickly. Slamming it down the table.

Your eyes widen as he removes his hood revealing the one and only God of Mischief.

Right here, right now
I put the offer out.
I don't wanna chase you down,
I know you see it.

He used his two fingers to guide your view around the bar, and to the window. His hand pulling you back to meet his gaze.

You run with me,
and I can cut you free.
Out of the drudgery,
and walls you keep in.

He taps his two fingers to mimic a walking man, slamming his hand twice so the bartender could send him over the liquor.

Pouring himself a drink before passing it onto you, which you hesitantly drunk.

So trade your typical,
for somethin' colorful.
And if it's crazy,
live a little crazy.
You can play it sensible.
A queen of conventional,
or you can risk it all and see..

He spins around using the chair, making your brows furrow at his sudden act. Watching as he gulped down the liqour.

Don't you wanna get away,
from the same old part you got to play?
Cause' I got what you need,
so come with me and take the ride.
It'll take you to the other side.

He twists your chair around as he stood up, fumbling with the sleeves of your dress as he took some steps back.

"What are you doing?" You ask as the bartender threw a chair over to him. With a smirk plastered on his face, he jumped on top of the chair.

'Cause you can do what you do,
or you can do like me.
Stay in a cage
or you finally take the key.
Oh, damn!
Suddenly you're free to fly!

You unconsciously let out a small smile as he went down from the chair, heading over to you as he poured you some liqour.

"It'll take you to the other side," Loki finishes, his arm resting on your shoulder.

Okay, my friend, you wanna cut me in.
Well, I hate to tell you but-
It just won't happen.

You took his arm off of your shoulder, slamming it down gently on the table as you pushed away the glass.

So, thanks.
But, no.
I think I'm good to go.
Cause I quite enjoy the life-
you say I'm, "trapped in,"

You stood up from the chair and turned to leave, stopping by one of the pillars.

Now, I admire you,
and that whole sorcery you do.
You're on to something,
really it's something.

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