(Slight angst/Fluff) Beauty of winter

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You watch as the snowflakes fall from the sky, the floor filled with this comforting white hue. Winter, how you missed this season. You could never get enough of this. So, you quickly bolted over to your closet to take your necessities.

A colored black and green scarf and a large hoodie to give you some warmth once you exit the tower. You expected the Avengers all dolled up for the season. With their hot mugs of hot chocolate sprinkled with marshmallows. Movies that fit with the feeling, supposedly Christmas. Maybe they were even preparing early, who knew? This was a chaotic household anyways.

But alas, not everyone enjoys winter as much as you did. For there was a raven-haired God who would rather stay at home and stay by the flames that partake in any winter activities. For he'd tell you everytime, he never liked the cold. Of course, you knew it was a lie. For you have seen him every once in a while eating ice-cream when he think nobody is looking.

You never would dig any closer to the truth, it could be a sensitive subject. But today, you really would like for him to join. For the children were playing, the water has been frozen, perfect for ice-skating.

You skipped your way over to the front of Loki's wooden door, which in front wrote, "Do not enter," On bold capitalizations. The Avengers never really cared for security, they'd enter anytime they wanted. So, making sure the door was locked was essential.

Back to the point, you knocked on the door and heard rustles and grumbles coming from inside the room.

The door opens wide and you could see his gaze soften once he spots you, "Lady Y/n, what are you doing here?" He asks, looking left and right.

You smiled, "Well, it's a great time to go out," You started as he gently pulled you in his room, closing the door right after, "We could go ice-skating? Or maybe have a snowball fight??" You list, sitting down on the plush bed.

He didn't seem to mind the intrusion, "My apologies, I'm not very fond of this season.." He trailed, "Is that my scarf?" He asks, pointing at it.

You looked down, taking the ends of the fabric, "Yeah, want it back?" You ask, an idea coming up in your mind. Like a bulb was lit on the top of your head.

"It would be nice to have it back," He nods, watching as you removed the scarf to reveal you wearing a turtleneck, "What was the point of my scarf when your neck was protected already?" He asks.

You lent the scarf, "Well, It was comfortable."

Before he was able to take it back, you quickly brought it to your chest. Which made his head tilt as he leaned closer to snatch it, only for you to move yourself off the bed.

"Surely, a scarf this important, you would do anything to take it back. Right?" A smirk plastered your face.

He shakes his head, "What game are you playing, dove?" He asks, his hand reaching for the end of the cloth. Only for you to twirl around and move to his back.

He shivered once he felt your breath on his neck, "If you wanna find out, you have to catch me first," You whisper, immediately bolting away from his room.

He sighed, with a flick of his hand he was covered in large amounts of clothing. As if to hide his skin from public eye before he continued going hot on your trail.

You smiled as you hear footsteps behind you, revealing an impatient Loki. How it felt great to annoy the man- God.

"Come on, walk faster," You exclaim to Loki as you rock on your heel back and forth, pressing a button next to the elevator.

He grumbled, entering first inside the elevator with your invitation. Had he really given in to you that easily? Well- it was obvious he had taken a liking to you. It scared him how much power you had over him.

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