Puppy Love pt. 1 (Fluff)

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Several times a day, on the daily, Loki had to go for a jog with his companion, a puppy he named after his brother, Thor. It reminded Loki of him, seeming as they were both blonde, full of energy, and just loves everyone. The complete opposite of what he was.

Each time he does go for a run, he always spots a person doing the same. Usually with their family, but only on mornings. Each afternoon he would try and push himself to talk to you..to no avail as you were busy with your running. Though, Loki has seen you stare at him at times, giving him a chunk of hope.

"Are you sure you want to go out today? The sky is dark and it just rained a few moments ago.." Loki spoke to the dog, who's tail was already wagging and ready to run out that door, "Seriously?"

He sighed, standing up to check the mirror one last time, and he saw you. Holding your umbrella and getting dragged towards where your puppy wanted to be. He didn't expect you to come out, usually when it was cloudy you wouldn't go out, worried it would rain.

The puppy caught Loki's attention, dragging his eyes away from your presence as the dog, Thor, claws on the door.

"Alright, but under one condition,"

Thor behaved, looking at him with curiosity. His head tilted to one side.

"You have to stay calm whenever they're around, okay? Your energy scares their puppy away and I can't talk to their lovely owner,"

The puppy seemed to understand, going back towards the door. And they're off, on another jog.

"Oh, look. It's him again," You whispered, looking down at (your-dog's-name) to see them already staring, "You want to say hi?"

It seems they were confident today, pulling you towards the duo who, already seemed to be aiming to get to you, "What breed are they?"

Once you told him, he smiled. Maybe that was to wash away the awkwardness as Loki hadn't planned anything after that question, "What's your name? I've seen you multiple times before,"

"Call me Loki, and yours?" He shook the hand you held out for him.

"Y/N, very cute name," You caught your tongue, "Your dog, I meant..Thor, is it not?" You stuttered, but delivered it, maybe just enough sincerity for him to believe it, "It's on his name tag,"

"I named him after my brother,"

You laughed, "Well, he must be offended by this, being named after a dog,"

"Oh, no worry. He's like a golden retriever himself. Instead of feeling insulted, he was ecstatic about the name,"

"Your brother seems nice," You smiled.

And after a while, it seems that you really got along with him. It seems you had many things in common, and it really helped Loki gain confidence to what he was saying..until it started to rain.

"Oh, I've expected this," You pulled open the umbrella, "You don't have one?"

"..I've forgotten,"

"I'll walk you home then. I dont think my dog is too bothered about walking a few more," You shared the umbrella, Loki carrying Thor in his arms as your puppy kept within the covers.

"It's not that far, actually. We could even visit each other at times," Was that a too bold of an invitation?

"I'd love that,"


You dropped Loki off at his house, but the rain seemed to be getting stronger, "My mother might get worried about me,"

"I'm afraid that you wont be able to tolerate those strong winds," Loki frowns at the strong rain, "If it doesn't bother you. I invite you to stay until the rain ends?"

"That would be appreciated,"

At the end of the day, Loki didn't expect much from you. But, unexpected moments are always the best ones, as now you were sharing cookies, stories, and laughter.


I'll be posting mostly during Friday/Saturday night!


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