Back to you pt. 1 (Light Angst)

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How many times will Loki be pushed away? Be mistreated and then thrown out?

He felt as if he would never get the chance to truly be himself around anyone, as everytime he does, something goes bad.

Like right now, Sylvie blocked him out. Betraying him by manipulating with his emotions, very Loki-like.

Y'know, the last time he had felt truly at peace was with a person he felt truly at home with, who radiated comfort, and give him all the attention he had wanted.

Of course, now it was different.

Loki fondled with the tempad in his hands, one he had taken after running away from TVA officers who were unfamiliar with him.

Even Mobius didn't remember him!

"Please remember me.." He wished before encrypting a code, and a yellow portal that he is honestly over with, appeared in front of him. With no hesitation, he entered.

This would be his last hope in his search of validation from someone, and maybe in the future, himself.


Within the borders of New Asgard, you worked as a fisherman. It was for the village, as it didn't have enough money in order to properly renovate the homes.

So, Valkyrie had made the idea to sell products, and during so making allies with humans.

You heard a knock on your door, it was probably Korg, he would always appear and ask for help with the wifi, "I'm quite busy with the fish, Korg. Maybe later?"

"Korg?" You tilt your head up to see Loki, his hair looked more crazy compared to his usual slick back. And his face was dirty, full of scratches, "Sorry, darling. I hope I didn't stun you,"

"Am I hallucinating? Are you visitng from the dead?" Your eyes widen at his arrival, especially from old news that his life was taken away by the hands of Thanos, "Oh, I think I've gone mad.."

"No, you're not going crazy," Loki's hands makes its way to your forearms, "This would be a lot to take in. You moght need to take a seat," Was the last thing he said from the door, right after, explaining the TVA, his ventures, variants, a woman named Sylvie, and so, so much more.

"'re not my Loki,"

"I can still be yours if you wanted to," His story made you felt like you were going insane, "There isn't much of a difference, your present Loki, and me,"

"I'd like to kindly tell you you're wrong with that,"

"Y/N," Loki takes your hands in his, making you purse your lips, "I just..I really need a break. Everything is going too fast, and you're the only person I can talk this with,"

You sighed, "Come here,"

Smiling, he was relieved when you welcomed him with open arms, literally, you had initiated a hug, "Thank you.."

"How long will you be staying?"

"When Mobius finally comes to his senses and decides to remember me," You massaged his scalp, brushing through his hair. You used to do that in the past all the time, you were sure it brought him some nostalgia, "I don't know why he acts like he doesn't know me,"

"I dont really know all this TVA-stuff, but I'm sure it's just a small issue," You weren't sure what to say, still wondering how this all happened, " Maybe once you get in shape I'll let you see Thor. Hopefully he'll cheer up when he sees you're not dead,"

"Thor is here?"


There's a baby staring at me..


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