(Fluff) Drunken confession 1

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You exit the bathroom just finishing a warm shower. Your phone dings and it made you move to the other side of the room just to take it.

"Hello?" You ask, forgetting to check who was on the other end.

"Lady Y/n, could I ask a favor?" Thor's voice rang. His background was noisy, cheerings and splashes of cups with obnoxious music was heard.

"Of course, tell me," You answered, setting the phone to your table and changing it to speaker mode.

"Well, Loki and I went to a bar for some relaxation," He said slowly shilst you dress up, "And..I brought Asgardian ale. We drank a few jugs and Loki is..what do you midguardians call it? Wasted,"

You furrow your brows, "Specify the word wasted?" You ask, moving to your drawers to take your comb. Brushing through the wet strands.

"..He's drunk. He won't let anyone else touch him and I think he's going mad," Thor explains, "He's been saying your name over and over again. May you help?"

You hummed, "Sure, sure, you owe me, though," You smiled before heading to your desk. Hearing Thor's relieved sigh, "Text me the address and I'll be there,"

"Thank you, lady Y/n. You're the best," There you could actually hear Loki's voice blabbering nonsense, "Do come quick,"

"Alright, I'll see you soon," You end the call and take your bags, "Didn't know Loki was a lightweight," You murmured to yourself, heading out of your room.


Driving your car, yoy spot the bar Thor was talking about. A small house with lights flashing from the inside and out. It looked horrible, to be brutally honest.

You parked the car by the bar and spot Thor waiting by the door. Tapping his foot on the ground.

You exit your car and it made his face light up when he sees you. His arms spread open to invite you in his embrace, but you declined.

"Sorry, Thor, just took a bath. Not in the mood to go for another," You gave him a small smile and he returned it with a nod.

"Here he is," Thor opened the door to reveal Loki being snobbed by two women.

"Norns, is Y/n coming soon?" Loki inquires to himself, still drinking alcohol and it made you sigh.

"Can you keep him in yours for the night?" Thor asks, "I don't think the Avengers would be pleased to see a drunk God,"

You nodded, "Yeah, sure what could possibly go wrong," You shrugged.

You slowly slid across the sweaty crowd. There goes not needing to take a bath.

"You know, if it doesn't bother you. I could be your Y/n?" A blonde-haired girl asks, leaning closer and closer. It made you infuriated as you watch her saddle him.

You settle your hip on the counter just enough for Loki to spot you. Clearing your throat, it made his head perk up.

"Y/n!" Loki shouts in delight, standing up rather quickly to make the girl drop to the floor, "I'm glad you're here,"

"Okay, okay," You repeat as he pulled you into his sweaty embrace. His scent reeked of liqour, it made your nose crinkle.

You watch the woman snogging off Loki storm away. Her fists clenched to her sides as she had a sullen expression that brought a smirk to your face.

"Let's get you home, alright?" You ask the God who wouldn't pull away, swaying you left and right with him, "Hey, come on. I have a mission tomorrow,"

"Is it taking care of me?" He asks, a cheesy grin plastered on his face.

"Might aswell be," You sighed.


You drop Loki on your couch, he had been giggling and rambling weird things. From one of his childhood pranks to blossoming love he had with someone.

"She's the best.." Loki slurred, his eyes fluttered shut as you started wiping off the sweat dripping on his face to his neck.

"Mhm," You hummed, moving to the kitchen to fetch him some necessities.

Whilst working inside the room, you could hear some slight rumble back in the living room. Making you hurry your work.

Coming back, you spot Loki gazing with adoration on his phone. Wait- how did he get a phone? Nevermind, I'm sure Thor got him one.

You slowly stalk over to him, but his eyes never left the phone. You set the tray of water and soup on the coffee table.

"Look," He suddenly said, making you whip your head over him. He turned his phone so you could see, a picture of you smiling, "She's gorgeous, isn't she?" He asks.

You felt heat rush to your cheeks. Had he really gotten feelings for you?

"I adore her," He spoke, his eyes trained on the phone once again, "Can you believe I already planned my future with her?" He chuckles, his words a bit slurred.

"Why don't you go to sleep?" You ask, taking a seat beside him, "I'll make sure she'll talk to you tomorrow," You push him down with your finger.

"Being a God is tiring.." He trailed. After a few seconds, you could hear small snoring coming from him.

You giggled, "I adore you too," You whispered before covering him with a blanket.


I made this during a quiz. I almost failed.


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