(Fluff) Jealousy

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It wasn't difficult to see Loki was a jealous person, at first you thought it was overbearing, and that he would control you. But he didn't.

Instead, he would do his best to catch your attention. Or, either make excuses for you to leave the premises.


A group of boys were standing right behind you in Stark's party, taunting as they whispered to each other, pushing one another as if they were trying to gain the confidence to talk to you.

Loki watched the scene unfold with a smirk, he knows you wouldn't give them a chance.

One of the guy's friends has been pushed over to you, your eyes shotting up when his hand made contact with your back.

"May I help you?" You ask, lifting a brow as you took a sip of your drink, "And if possible, remove your hand off my back," You blinked.

He clears his throat and removes his hand off your back, "I was just wondering if you were into fashion, it's just that..that dress looks fabulous."

You smiled, "Really? I am into fashion, I'm guessing you are too?" You ask as he nods, a sheepish smile adorned on his face.

"I really liked the puffy sleeves, I like it when they make unique dresses," He said, sitting down beside you just enough to cover you from Loki's view, "Especially those gorgeous headdress."

"Oh!" You exclaim, pointing a finger, "I actually have a headdress, it's just bombarded with crystals on top."

"Send me a picture!" He laughs, lending his phone which you hesitantly took.

Loki frowns at the ongoing conversation, seeing as if he would never stop talking to you and made a proposition.

Loki stood up abruptly, but not enough to get your attention. So, he took one of those midgardian devices and played loud music. Your favorite.

Your head snaps up to him and plenty others, his music overlapping with the jazz as he gave you a sheepish grin.

You roll your eyes, excusing yourself politely as you walked to the God of Mischief, pulling the phone from his hands to remove his loud music.

"What are you doing?" You ask, watching as he gives you an innocent smile, intertwining your hands in his.

"I'm cold, let's get out of here," Loki pleads, profusely kissing the back of your hand.

You couldn't help but crack a smile, you were a sucker for his adorable antics, "Okay," You utter, letting him drag you out of the party.


Whether it was a second of you glancing at another, or even a man from a fictional show, he would get competitive.


You sighed dreamily as your favorite character enters the scene, "Gods, I love that guy," You said, propping your head on your chin.

Loki looks at you with his brows furrowed, looking offended, "But I thought you only loved me?" He asked, pulling you closer to his chest.

You tilt your head back to get a clear look
on his face, "I love many people, this one is just plain admiration."

He scoffs, "What is there to admire about him?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at the man on the screen.

You hummed, "He's charming and relatable," You reason, seeing his offended expression.

"I'm much more charming than him," Loki blabbers, "I'm also more romantic than him, why do you think I bought you hundreds of roses for?"

"Loki," You sigh, "I love you the most, stop being so competitive," You chuckle, taking his hand as you peck his palm, massaging it right after.

"But I can prove I'm much more charming than him!" He exclaims, making you groan.


There were times he would get suspicious over you and your phone, he had heard of these texting stories and he wasn't exactly fond of it.


Loki furrows his brows as he sees you smiling at your phone, your fingers busy texting, you didn't even see him enter your room.

"Darling?" Loki calls out, making you immediately close your phone, "Who were you talking to?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at you.

"Just someone," You squeak with an innocent smile, kissing his cheek before sprinting away.

Nonetheless, he tried not to pry away your phone from your hands. It seems that you've always been getting calls.

You were now laid on the bed with him, his favorite moment of the day was cuddling with you. The way your fingers would run through his hair, how your legs knotted with his. How your eyes only gazed at him and no-one else, made him feel at peace until-

Your phone rang. You mutter an apology and take the phone, going out the room as Loki sighed in disappointment.

He opens the door slightly, "How many times do I have to tell you, I can't go," You mutter, massaging your forehead.

Loki immediately went protective, taking your phone abruptly.

"Excuse me, but could you kindly fuck off?" Loki asks, "I haven't gotten a single day without you calling, leave me and my darling alone," Loki hissed.

The other end seemed to be silent, until someone bursts out laughing, "Oh, God, are you Loki?" A masculine voice asked, making you groan.

Loki furrows his brows, "..yes," He answered, "Nevermind, please leave Y/n alone."

"I can't," He answered.

Loki grew confused, "Why can't you?"

"Because she's my sister.." He said in a slow tone, making Loki freeze up in shock.

You laugh, taking the phone back as Loki's mouth hung agape, his hand still in the air.

"Sorry about that," You spoke up, "Loki doesn't really know about you," You chuckled.

"Ouch, didn't even tell him about your family, no, but seriously, come to my kid's playdate," He insists.

You end the call abruptly, snapoing your attention back to Loki who was contemplating on what to say.

He points a finger up, "Cuddles?" He asks innocently, taking your hand to drag you back into the room.

"Didn't think you would tell my brother to fuck off," You taunt, flushing yourself against him on the bed, making him groan.

"I didn't know," He reasoned, hiding his face in your chest, "We never will speak of this, again."

"I can't promise that," You chuckle, waving a hand through his raven locks.

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