(Fluff/Angst) Isn't it strange?

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Isn't it strange?
How people can change.
From strangers to friends,


Looking for books inside the local library was one of your hobbies. It was a habit, you do it almost everyday. But now, it seems your eye has not only caught a book, but a dashing man.

He had raven-colored hair pulled back to a low ponytail while his hand held an old book. He wore this sleek, black suit with a long scarf over his neck. He had this sharp jawline you couldn't miss and his busy eyes.

How it made you curious what lied beneath it, the beautiful mixture of blue and green. Like rain pattering on the grass, you could only imagine how many compliments he could've gotten from them.

It seems while you were mesmerized by his eyes, it unknowingly captures yours. It brought a blazing feeling to rise your cheeks and it made the man let out a bashful smile. The corner of his eyes crinkling, gorgeous.

You internally panicked when you watch as he inserts the book back inside the shelf, taking long and impatient strides towards you while flashing that charming smile.

Once he stopped in front of you, it seemed his silver tongue turned to lead-- as if he'd forgotten a well rehearsed plan-- his face was unforgettable at that moment.

Deciding to make a move and escape the unbearable silence, you took your hand out and introduced yourself, "Y/n L/n. You are?"

It looked like his body practically slumped with relief, taking your hand in his as he gave it a firm shake, "Loki Friggason,"

"Say, Friggason. Mind telling me what book you were reading back there?" His contagious smiled reached yours. He was a radiating ball of happiness.

"Please, call me Loki..or anything you choose," He chuckled, "I was reading this small story..the little prince? It was fascinating, his adventures,"

"Oh, I have read that. It was a beautiful tale, sad ending, although," You glowered, making him nod in agreement.

His emotion turned to disappointment-- which, to explain, was because of the book's sad ending-- into a desperate look. Trying to cover it up, but it seemed to fail.

"May we meet again?" He asks, "Maybe somewhere here too. Anything you'd like to go to, actually,"

"I would adore that,"


Friends into lovers,


You smiled as you felt a familiar tug by your waist and a heavy pressure on your shoulder. Who knew he could be so affectionate?

"Yes, my love?" You ask, intertwining your warm hands with his cold ones. The both of you were such a weird duo.

Lately, he had confessed that he was Jotun-- not that you minded-- and how he was a sorcerer. A powerful one, he would always add.

But you? You were just human, midguardian, mortal. You were weak compared to him, but apparently, it went the opposite way.

"I had the occurrence of how much I love you," He pressed his lips onto your heated neck, "And how I'm so glad I do,"

With his sweet gestures, he could've been mistaken as confident. That was absolutely false.

It took him a while to even give you a compliment. His anxious and paranoid personality held him back from sharing affection.

He was a God, but something stirs in him each time you would share tender moments with him. His knees felt like jelly, willing to fall for you anytime.

Not only that, he felt..safe-- comfortable-- with you. Something told him deep inside that his tough exterior didn't even exist. He crumpled within your touch, loving each second with you.

He loved being weak because of you.

Though, he knew it wasn't weakness. He felt it as strength, that he could feel such way.

"I love you," He murmured by your shoulder, slightly muffled as you let out a small laugh. Your thumb grazing his knuckles.

"I love you too,"


And strangers again..


Loki slowly walks in front of the crowd filled with midguardians, feeble creatures compared to him, he always thought.

What a lie, that was.

His Asgardian armor starts forming his torso, a glimmering green with a slight mixture of gold in his sorcery. While his head started being covered by this strange helmet, gorgeous neither the less. For him, this golden helmet matches him. Royal. Meant to be on top.

"Kneel!" Loki shouts, some of his clones forming onto some of the corners to cower them into a small pack. Without another choice, they were forced to their knees.

But there was one figure standing beneath them all except for Loki, a familiar sight to him. For a second, he thought his mind was playing tricks on him. But, thank Gods, it wasn't.

And with that, he felt the loss of worry from Thanos' grasp. Walking towards you with such speed, he was in front of you within a second.

"Not to men like you," You whispered as he reached the front of you, "Hello, Loki. How have you been?" You ask, behind that whole confident facade, was your heart being crumpled.

He left you for reasons unknown. Both sides weren't heard nor given time to. You wanted to show him how many tears he had failed to see-- he had failed to wipe off-- how much his absence left you cold.

"Y/n.." Loki whispers, lending a shaky, unoccupied, hand to reach for your cheek. Once he felt it to be real, the occupied hand holding the scepter was used to cup your other cheek. The staff falling to the floor with a thud.

"Why did you leave me?" You ask below a whisper, afraid that if your voice reached a higher peak, it would tremble and your voice won't be the only thing falling apart.

"I'm sorry," He shook his head, "So, so very sorry. I didn't think you would care," He reasoned, stepping closer to you.

A small jet flapped down towards the scene, he didn't care. Neither did you. Intertwining your hands in his, it felt nice to feel the mixture of his cold ones with yours once again. Like your heart was being tied up once again, reviving it.

"Once I get away from him, I'll never leave you again," You thought you would be crying first, but you were wrong. So wrong.

His tears went down first, and one after another while the Avengers seemed to take care of the ruckus, not wanting to budge into the personal reunion.

"I'll never leave you. Ever again," He oaths, there you felt your tears rising from their hiding spot. A sigh of relief coming from you once it cascaded down your cheeks, "Please don't cry,"

"I won't again with you around," You pulled him into a tight embrace. The cold temperature of his body turning to warmth as he could feel your appreciation for his return.


Boy, this was very long-


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