(Fluff) Missing clothes : Lady Loki

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Lady Loki slowly tip-toes inside your room, looking left and right cautiously before she entered.

Lately there's been a clothing thief inside the compound. Mainly targeting you. No-one knew it was her and nobody needed to.

That was until Thor suddenly bashes through the door, "Y/n! Check what I.." He trails when he saw lady Loki looking at him with a death glare.

Thor was wearing her helmet. And she wasn't happy about it.

"Thor, I'm giving you a chance to remove it, If you don't, you don't wanna know," She chuckles lowly, making Thor gulp, bit he kept his strong demeanor.

"And what if I dont?"


You were searching all over the compound for your favorite lady. No offense to Natasha or Wanda. But you needed Lady Loki at the moment, you had some questions she needed to answer.

You entered the kitchen, she wasn't there, it was too bad, you expected her to be there from all of the good food the Avengers had bought from their trip.

"What's got your head spinning?" Tony spoke up rather suddenly from behind you, making you jump.

You twirled on your heel to face him, "Have you seen Lady Loki?" You ask, pressing your fists to your hips, "Someone's been stealing my clothes,"

Tony shrugged, moving past you to get ahold of the cabinets. You watch as he took out some food, "Ask Thor. He might know where you're girlfriend is,"

You rolled your eyes but couldn't deny the rising heat spreading to your cheeks.

"Where is Thor, exactly?" You ask, about to leave.

"Bruce is fixing up his wound. Loki stabbed him again," You sighed, "He tried to take her horns,"

"Thanks. See you later Stank," You bid goodbye. The last thing you heard was his shout of offence, making you grin.


You entered Bruce's wide lab to see Thor sprawled lazily on the table. His torso covered with tissue to stop the bleeding. You could see the annoyance and regret plastered on his face.

"Thor," You called, making him sit up slowly, "Where's Bruce? I thought he was treating you?"

"Natasha needed him for a while,"

"Have you seen Loki then? I haven't seen her for a while and I need to ask her a question,"

"Are you finally confessing your love?" He asks, making you scoff. Feeling your face flush as you shook your head, "Why not?"

"She won't like me," You muttered, putting your hands on your hips, "She's a Goddess and I'm just..a mortal," You shrugged.

Thor frowns, "You shouldn't need to worry, Y/n," He starts, "Have you not seen her when you're around? She's a completely different person!"

"Whatever, whatever," You mumbled in dismissal, not wanting to take this any farther, "Do you know where she is?"

Thor sighed, "I've seen her in your quarters,"

You raised your eyebrows, "Clothing thief!"


Lady Loki tries to pry off the oversized clothing when she thundering footsteps coming near. But it was too late, before the shirt could even come up from over her head, you busted in.

"Y/n!" Her voice boomed, only to see your glare. She pursed her lips, "I was just..trying it out..for you?"

You cross your arms, watching as she wore the hoodie once again, not exactly knowing what to do. Looking at you awkwardly.

"I can't get away from this. Can't I?"

"No," You answered.

You used your feet to push the door shut, keeping a calm demeanor as she kept quiet. Slowly making your way to her back.

She shivered as she felt your hands on her shoulder, feeling your intense gaze from the mirror. She would do anything for the roles to reverse at the moment.

"Well you do look nice in my clothes," You smiled, "But I'm gonna need you to tell me why you're taking them,"

Her heated face fell once yours turned serious, a sigh escaping her lips, "Remember the last one you gave me?"

You furrow your brows, moving away from behind her. Now you were beside her, "The green one? The one I gave you because you were cold?"

"Yeah.." She rubs her neck, "It lost your scent,"

It took you a second to process. Two ridiculous options whirring in your head. Either she just liked your scent or..she liked you.

"Both," She suddenly spoke, "Both options," She smiled, holding both your hands in hers, reading your mind when you let your guard down, "This isn't the best moment to tell you this," She shook her head.

"Just tell me,"

"I like you," She blurts, "I thought it was pretty obvious..I've been giving you as much hints as I could give. I thought were ignoring them because you didn't like me back,"

"You were giving me hints?" You obliviously ask, being replied with her eyeroll, "I thought your versions just have different personalities,"

"That's stupid," Lady Loki almost forgot that she just confessed. The way your eyes pierced her to detect any lie was making her heart speed up.

"I like you too," You happily said it back, making her face light up all over again. You felt like a cheesy high-school student who just got her first date.

"Finally, I thought you were gonna take another hour," She smirks, making you scoff.

"Shut it,"

"My pleasure,"

She pulls you closer, making you flush your body against hers and it brought a warm sensation to your cheeks. By now you were probably the shade of a tomato.

Without another thought, you felt fireworks lit up inside your stomach when you finally meet her lips against yours. It was the most surreal feeling.

You almost became saddened when you lost the feeling of her lips, but that emotion falls once you saw her joyful face.

"Does that mean I can have some of your clothes?"

"I don't mind if you take a few,"


I just got gaslighted by an AI to think I was a robot and that someone was controlling me.

Never downloading that app again.


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