(Fluff) Bartender : NB reader 2

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Loki grinned widely at himself in the mirror, wearing a sleek black suit as he maneuvers his hair for atleast the hundredth time.

But before he could practice a way to greet you, he was interrupted by the random burst of his alarm. Making him run a hand through his face in shock.

There was a meeting.


He forgot about it.


You entered the diner you proposed Loki to go to. It was nothing too fancy nor anything casual. It was plain and simple. Slow, romantic music played in the background as light flashed in a beautiful way with plants perfectly placed.

"Hi! Reservation for L/n and Friggason?" You ask, making the receptionist nod with a smile, bending down to grab something.

The receptionist stood up once again with a board on his hand and a pen in another, "I'm afraid Friggason isn't here yet,"

"Oh, no, it's fine. I can wait for him by the table," He nods, handing you a small number according to your table.


Loki tried to sneak away, almost passing by the meeting room undiscovered when Thor noticed. Taking Loki by the collar of his suit, which all he got in reply was a yelp.

"Where do you think you're going, brother?" He asks, making Loki clear his throat as he was set down, "You know this meeting is important for our new mission. I let you pass once, but I cant do it again,"

"Not even if I give you a box of poptarts?"

"Sorry, but Tony had already bargained much more than what you have," He pulls Loki inside the meeting room, "Now, it's time to listen,"

He sat down in the middle of Thor and Natasha, two people he could definitely not go pass, especially when they're teaming up.

Unbeknownst to him, Tony was looking him up and down with confusion, "Reindeer games," He calls.


"Why are you wearing a suit?"

"I always wear a suit,"

"Yeah, but that one's extra fancy. With the golden collars and that handkerchief on one of the pockets," Loki's face heats up in embarrasment, "Were you about to go on a date or something?"

He was about to reply, only to be captured into Fury's starting project. Making him argue with himself internally as he tried to think of a plan to escape.


You sat quietly on the table covered with a white tablecloth, poking your tissue paper with your knife to pass by time. Occasionally checking for the clock.

"Ready to order, fellas?" A waitress asks, only for her smile to drop, "Sorry, I'll correct myself. Ready to order?"

You sighed, "I guess I'll have the F / F and F / D. Can I also get a chocolate pudding, it's for someone,"

"A date perhaps?" The receptionist wiggles her brows, making you laugh and slightly blush.

"Yeah, he's a sweet guy. Sugar-toothed too,"

"Seems like a dream,"

"Oh, he is,"


Please hurry up, please hurry up, Loki rewinds the sentence over and over in his head as Fury explained the Hydra group and their plans. How long had it been?

"It's been an hour?" Loki whispers to himself, which caught the attention on Fury, making him raise a brow.

"Anything you want to say, Friggason?" He asks, putting his hands on his table to direct more of the attention onto him.

"I said..we should- Uhm, take another hour?" He asks, scolding himself internally, "I meant that we should do this tomorrow- yeah. We have plenty of time then,"

"And you don't have time now?"

No, definitely not, "I have time, it just seems like the rest are sleepy," In fact they weren't. They were like owls.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sleepy," Natasha interjects when Fury was about to scold the God, "I didn't get much sleep the past few weeks," She gave Loki a knowing look.


Loki mouthed a 'thank you' towards Natasha, which he only got a nod in response. But his heart was hammering, were you still waiting for him? Hopefully so.

"We'll continue this tomorrow. But don't blame me when we aren't able to do this mission succesfully," Fury narrows his eyes to the God, "Dismissed,"

Loki was first to jump out of his chair, quicker than Pietro, actually. Once Fury said those words, he ran out of the door.

"What's up with him?"


Your food has gotten cold while your drink had probably lost it taste and your appetite was growing weaker. Your chin propped on to your palm.

Loki stopped in his tracks and took a peak by the window to check if you were still there, you were, thank the shooting stars.

"Reservation for L/n and Friggason?" Loki asks the receptionist, pressing the buttons for about several times.

"Here's the-" He took it immediately and ran to the busy room filled with chairs and other couples, "Number,"

"Y/n!" Loki calls, sitting in front of you in a haste as both his hands intertwine with yours, "I'm so sorry I'm late, I had a meeting and- and it took a while to finish," He kissed both the palm of your hands.

You grinned, "Atleast you're here now,"

"You're too nice," He caressed your knuckles in a soothing way, looking at you adoringly. But a scent seemed to take over his senses, "Is that chocolate pudding?"


I don't know how long this fanfic I'm making will take-


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