(Fluff) Heart attack

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Natasha tilts her head at your slumped figure, seeing you lightly punch your chest with a sullen expression.

She just passed Loki, leaving the room with a smile.

Natasha sat beside you, stopping you from hitting your chest once again.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks, furrowing her brows.

"Nat~" You cooed, hugging her torso, "My heart is beating too fast!" You exclaim, "It feels nice and terrible at the same time."

It took a second for Natasha to understand what you were saying, but when she found out, she gave the most mischievous smirk.

"You're in love?" Natasha asks, pulling you away as she helds your hands in hers.

"I thought it was just a heart attack," You shrug, feeling heat rise to your cheeks suddenly, "Wait..I'm not in love aren't I? I'm terrible at relationships."

"Oh God," Natasha said, excitedly. "It's Loki, isn't it? I knew it!" She bounces slightly on the seat.

"What? No, you're kidding yourself!" You huff, pulling your hands away to cross your arms.

"I bet you do, you look like a tomato every time he talks to you!" She grinned, pulling you somewhere else. "We need to tell Wanda."


Wanda and Nat squeals right in fron of you, the door locked as they kept rambling about how crazy you were for him.

"How do I know I'm truly in love?" You ask, leaning closer to the two.

"Well, look around." Wanda said, lifting her arms up to her surroundings.

The book she kept on her desk reminded you of Loki's smooth voice, reading you poems whenever you couldn't sleep.

Her mirror reminded you of the moment where he had bought you a dress, happily showing you yourself by the mirror.

Her paintings reminded you of that time where Loki and you had painted his walls, which caused the paint to stain each of your clothes.

Her colorful flowers reminded you of his burst of energy each time he talked to you, his eyes would light up.

Your mouth hung agape, brows stitched together.

"Oh my God, I am in love." You face-palm, your cheeks burning up as butterflies fluttered around your gut.

You were crazy for him.

You would take a bullet for that man.

You almost did, during a mission he was the only person you were eager to protect.

"Well, who wouldn't? You two snog each other all the time!" Wanda exclaims, clapping her hands. "Ask him out."

"What? No, look, I might be in love, but my confidence hasn't reached that high yet." You retort, causing Nat to roll her eyes.

"It's obvious he likes you back, just ask him out." Natasha insists, making you groan.

"What if he rejects me, Nat? I can't talk to him after that if he did." You reason, covering your face with your hands.

"I'm pretty sure he won't." Wanda assures, patting your shoulder.


"Hey..Loki, looking cute.." You practice whilst walking, "No, he won't like that, I'm sure." You face-palmed. "Hey, trickster, Loki-doki..wait, what?" You asked yourself.

"Why do you keep repeating my name?" Loki asked, making you jump as you turn around your heel.

Your mouth hung slightly agape, did he hear everything?

"I did, you think I'm cute?" He asked, his voice wasn't teasing it sounded a bit..hopeful?

"Yeah.." You uttered, scratching the back of your neck. "Doyouwannagoonadatewithme?" You asked in a fast tone.

"Beg your pardon? Darling, you have to go slower." Your heart skipped a beat at the nickname, did he really affect you this much?

"Do you wanna go on a date with me?" You ask, watching as his face turned suprise. "I mean, you don't have to..it's-aha, I'm gonna go." You chuckled nervously, about to head out until he pulled your wrist back.

"Of course." Loki smiled, "I was actually planning to ask you the same thing.." Loki laughed.

You faced him with a nervous grin, "I-I don't know what to say." You said.

"You don't have to say anything." Loki shrugged, taking your chin to his fingers as he pulled you in a deep kiss.

You didn't hesistate kissing back, your hands moved to his hair, playing with the ends.

You could feel him smile through it all.

You hoped this wouldn't end, it felt as if you stood the same spot for hours until he pulled away.

He pushed a hair strand to your ear, "I'll see you, my lady." He said, fading away from view.

You crouched down, holding your face in your hands as red floods your cheeks. Holding back a squeal.

Loki watched as you did, letting out a lovesick laugh.

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