(Fluff) Drunken confession 2

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You woke up the next day, extra early. It was unfamiliar to wake this early. But hey, why not?

You had a God to take care of anyway..maybe even annoy the hell out. Who knows? It depends on your mood, really.

You carefully slid down the stairs to see him sound asleep. Snoring much louder than he did last night. There was even a bit of drool on the corner of his lips.

You stalked over him, seeing his nose red and his eyes puffed up a bit. Did it rain yesterday?

You put the back of your hand on his neck to feel it burning up. It was either the bar was unsanitary or God's were weird.

"Crazy to think how easily you get sick," You muttered under your breath, moving out of the living room to prepare for the morning. Starting with food.


Loki's eyes fluttered open and he let out a pained groaned. The blinding light making him squint once again.

He felt the fabric beneath him and immediately became confused with the unfamiliar environment. Did Thor just leave him to who knows where?

Slowly, he managed to stood up to feel a stinging pain in the side of his head. Looking down, he was covered by a small blanket. Not enough to cover his poking feet.

He couldn't remember a thing.

Next thing he knew, his head whipped aroun fast behind him to see you holding a tray of foods.

Loki took a sharp breath. Regretting his decision of turning his head fast. Watching as you went over him with a cheerful smile.

"Goodmorning, sleeping beauty," You greet, setting the tray down on the coffee table.

Loki's brows furrowed, "What happened..last night? Did we.." He points to himself then to you.

You laughed for a bit, though he stayed serious, "Oh, it wasn't a joke?" You asked, watching as he nods, "You don't remember a thing?"

He shakes his head in embarrasment, making you grin. Maybe a little taunting would be fine.

"Well, you told me about this girl.." Loki gulped, "You planned everything with her I heard? It was adorable,"

"Who did I talk about..?" Loki asked, his eyes squinting in annoyance. Did he really talk that much?

"Someone with h/c colored hair? Guess who you talked about," You teased, smirking slightly as you watched his mouth hung loosely.

Was he confused or embarrassed?

"Maybe her features would get your mind jogging?" You ask, "She had e/c eyes and..You're talking to her right now,"

He squints his eyes shut in annoyance, "I'm never listening to Thor ever again," He muttered, making you chuckle.

Before he could utter another word, he felt his body become frozen solid as he felt your lips make contact with his.

His eyes shot open and it didn't take long for him to respond before cupping your face. It brought you relief that he'd finally confessed.

You couldn't see how his face practically was red with your eyes fluttered shut and he the same. He could beat a tomato in a shade contest if there was one.

Though, you loved this moment. You both were out of breath and you started feeling light-headed. How long had it been?

He pulls away, making you spot his flushed face that tugged the corner of your lips into a grin.

"Nevermind, I think I'm quite grateful to have a brother now," He mutters, making you laugh.

"I think he should thank me then," You shrugged, "Now, how about this. You take a shower and maybe..toothbrush?"

He waves his hand an in a flash of green his clothes were changed into neat ones and he looked as if he'd just taken a shower.

Of course, without the dripping wet ends of his hair. Not like you would complain-

"Now, another one of those kisses?" He asks, making you roll your eyes playfully.

"You're sick,"

"Yet you kissed me the first time," He winks.

"I wasn't thinking," You shrugged.

"Then I'm sure I could heal you from this sickness," You sighed, but you couldn't help but lean on first and wrap your arms around his neck. You know the rest.


You coughed in bed as Loki stood there with a tray of soup and medicine. An awkward smile on his face as he slowly slid to your bedside.

"Are you..angry?" He asks, glancing to your face too many times to count. Your emotionless stare making him tense.

"Yes," You answered simply, "But, maybe another kiss would suffice," You smirked, making him sigh.

"You're sick,"

"Then heal me,"


Send me requests. Please.

Lilith507 Here's what you asked for! :)


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